Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 3(51) Т1 2024 г
50 Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (51), октябрь 2024 г. Hermeneutics to the Phenomenology of Language: Friedrich Schleiermacher – Pavel Florensky – Gustav Speth]. Voprosy filosofii . 2009. No. 4. Pp. 107–113. [In Russian] 22. Plotnikov N. S. Kritika rossiyskogo razuma. Zametki po povodu novogo izdaniya «Ocherka russkoy filosofii» G. G. Shpeta [Critique of Russian Reason. Notes on the new edition of G. G. Shpet's ‘Sketch of Russian Philosophy’] Issledovaniya po istorii russkoy mysli [Studies In Russian Intellectual History ]. No. 8. Ed. by M. A. Kolerov i N. S. Plotnikov. Moscow. Modest Kolerov Publ., 2009. Pp. 175–188. [In Russian] 23. Pogrebysskiy I. B. Gotfrid Vilgelm Leybnits [Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz]. Moscow. Nauka Publ., 1971. 319 p. [In Russian] 24. Rimskiy V. P. Gegel i stereotipy v identifikatsii i mifologizatsii moderna i prosveshcheniya [Hegel and stereotypes in the identification and mythologisation of modernity and enlightenment]. Vestnik Kaluzhskogo universiteta . 2017. No. 3. Pp. 6– 12. [In Russian] 25. Rimskiy V. P. Kak vozmozhna russkaya filosofskaya germenevtika? [How is Russian philosophical hermeneutics possible?] Germenevticheskaya traditsiya v Rossii: aktualnyye konteksty i sovremennyye problemy [Hermeneutic Tradition in Russia: Current Contexts and Contemporary Problems]. Ed. by B. I. Pruzhinin, T. G. Shchedrinaya. Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Belgorod. TSGI Print Publ., 2019. Pp. 65-79. [In Russian] 26. Sokolov V. V. Metafizicheskiy etap v istorii dialektiki i G. V. Leybnits [The Metaphysical Stage in the History of Dialectics and G. W. Leibniz] Voprosy filosofii . 1981. No. 12. Pp. 115–126. [In Russian] 27. Sokolov V. V. Istoriya filosofii XV-XVII vv. [Philosophy history of 15th- 17th centuries]. Moscow. Vyssh. shk. Publ., 1984. 448 p. [In Russian] 28. Sretenskiy H. H. Leybnits i Dekart. Kritika Leybnitsem obshchikh nachal filosofii Dekarta: Ocherk po istorii filosofii [Leibniz and Descartes. Leibniz's Critique of the General Principles of Descartes' Philosophy: An Essay on the History of Philosophy]. Saint Petersburg. Nauka Publ., 2007. 183 p. [In Russian] 29. Uchrezhdayushchaya diskursivnost Mikhaila Petrova: intellektual v interyere kulturnogo kapitala [Mikhail Petrov's Constitutive Discursivity: The Intellectual in the Interior of Cultural Capital]. Ed.by V. P. Rimskiy. Moscow. KANON+ Publ., 2017. 455 p. [In Russian]; 30. Fischer K. Leybnits, yego zhizn, sochineniya i ucheniye [Leibniz, his life, writings and teachings]. Istoriya novoy filosofii [History of the New Philosophy]. Vol. 3. Saint Petersburg. D. Ye. Zhukovskiy Publ., 1905. 739 p. [In Russian] 31. Holz H. Dialektika G. V. Leybnitsa [The Dialectics of G. W. Leibniz] Filosofskiye nauki [Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences]. 1986. Pp. 128–136. [In Russian] 32. Khomyakov A. S. O svobode i neobkhodimosti. Po povodu Spinozy, Kanta i drugikh filosofov [On freedom and necessity. Concerning Spinoza, Kant and other philosophers]. Sochineniya : v 2 t. [Writings. In 2 vols]. Vol. 2. Raboty po bogosloviyu [Works on theology]. Moscow. Mosk. filos. Fond Publ., 1994. Pp. 331– 332. [In Russian]
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