Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 3(51) Т1 2024 г
33 Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (51), октябрь 2024 г. Publ., 2003. 270 p. [In Russian] 3. Guseynov A. A. Dobrodetel i dobrotnost [Virtue and functional excellence], Etika i kultura. Stati, zametki, vystupleniya, intervyu [Ethics and Culture. Articles, notes, speeches, interviews]. Saint Petersburg, SPbGUP Publ, 2019. Pp. 120-137. [In Russian] 4. Guseynov A. A. Zakon i postupok (Aristotel', Kant, M. M. Bakhtin) [Law and Act (Aristotle, Kant, M. M. Bakhtin)], Eticheskaya mysl [Ethical Thought]. 2001. No. 2. Pp. 3–25. [In Russian] 5. Guseynov A. A. Filosofiya postupka kak pervaya filosofiya (opyt interpretatsii nravstvennoy filosofii M. M. Bakhtina). Statya pervaya: byt znachit postupat [The Philosophy of the Act as the First Philosophy (An Interpretation of Bakhtin’s Moral Philosophy). First Article. To Be Means To Act], Voprosy filosofii [Philosophical issues]. 2017. No 6. Pp. 5–15. [In Russian] 6. Guseynov A. A. Filosofiya postupka kak pervaya filosofiya (opyt interpretatsii nravstvennoy filosofii M. M. Bakhtina). Statya vtoraya: Pervaya filosofiya kak nravstvennaya filosofiya [The Philosophy of the Act as the First Philosophy (An Interpretation of Bakhtin’s Moral Philosophy).The Second Article. The First Philosophy as Moral Philosophy]. Voprosy filosofii [Philosophical issues]. 2017. No. 7. Pp. 65–74. [In Russian] 7. Guseynov A. A. Tseli i tsennosti: kak vozmozhen moralnyy postupok [Goals and values: how moral action is possible], Eticheskaya mysl [Ethical Thought]. 2002. No. 3. Pp. 3–37. [In Russian] 8. Darwall S. Nachala morali: dobrodetel, zakon, obyazannost [The Foundations of Morality: Virtue, Law, and Obligation], trans. by R. G. Apresyan, Eticheskaya mysl [Ethical Thought]. Vol. 17. 2017. No. 1. Pp. 18–47. [In Russian] 9. Sudakov A. K. Stoicheskiye traditsii v etike i kantovskaya teoriya imperativa [Stoic traditions in ethics and the Kantian theory of the imperative], Etika stoitsizma: traditsii i sovremennost [Ethics of Stoicism: Traditions and Modernity], ed. by A. A. Guseynov. Moscow, IFAN SSSR Publ., 1991. Pp. 66–84. [In Russian] 10. MacIntyre A. After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory . Notre Dame, Indiana, University of Notre Dame Press Publ., 2007. 286 p. 11. Oakley J., Cocking D. Virtue Ethics and Professional Roles . Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Publ., 2004. 187 p. 12. Peterson A., Arthur J. Ethics and Good Teacher: Character in the Professional Domain . New York, Routledge Publ., 2021. 98 p. 13. Reid T. Essays on the Active Powers of Man , ed. by K. Haakonssen, J. A. Harris. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press Publ., 2010. 388 p. 14. Sandin R. T. The Rehabilitstion of Virtue: Foundation of Moral Education . New York, Praegar Publishes Publ., 1992. 282 p. 15. Schneewind J. The Invention of Autonomy: A History of Modern Moral Philosophy . Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Publ., 1997. 623 p. 16. Schneewind J. The Misfortunates of Virtue, Ethics . 1990. Vol. 101, No. 1. Pp. 42–63. 17. Sidgwick H., Widgery A. G. Outlines of the History of Ethics for English Readers . Boston, Beacon Press Publ., 1960. 342 p.
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