Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 1 (49) 2024 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (49), апрель 2024 г. 6 «царство целей», свобода воли, бессмертие души, бытие Бога, этико- теологический синтез. V. N. Nazarov Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University (Tula, Russia) THE CANON OF PURE REASON IN KANT'S PHILOSOPHY AND ITS PRACTICAL APPLICATION IN METAPHYSICS OFMORALS The article examines the problem of applying the canon of pure reason to ethics as a sphere of practical knowledge and Kant’s justification of the moral metaphysics reality. Kant defines the canon of reason as a set of a priori principles that promote the correct use of cognitive abilities. In the Critique of Pure Reason, he establishes that any synthetic knowledge of pure reason in its speculative application is completely impossible. This means that a canon of speculative application of pure reason is also impossible. Kant believes that this canon is possible only in relation to practical, not speculative,cognition. The article reveals the basic principles of the practical application of the canon of pure reason, which determine the reality of the metaphysics of morals. These principles are 1) the justification of imperatives and postulates of morality as a priori synthetic judgments that expand our knowledge, like the judgments of mathematics and natural science, and 2) the determination of the categorical imperative status as a moral law expressing universal necessity, like the laws of nature. The article shows that the prior-synthetic language of ethical judgments reflects the corresponding metaphysical structure of moral reality hidden behind ‘pure’ ethical knowledge. This reality is not reducible only to the imperative of duty and the universal moral law. It includes a kind of moral ontology, appearing in the form of a ‘Kingdom of Ends’, as an intelligible world of rational beings (mundus intelligibilis). The article discusses the problem of the relationship between the ‘Kingdom of Ends’ and the ‘Realm of nature’ in terms of connecting the theoretical and practical abilities of mind. The connecting link here is the ‘Kingdom of the beautiful’, which Kant defines as ‘a symbol of moral goodness’. The article develops the idea that ‘pure ethics’ comes into close contact here with the aesthetics of the expediency of being, and the universal ability of judgment intersects with moral obligation. The final part of the article examines the postulates of pure reason (immortality of the soul, free will and the existence of God) and their moral and practical transformation through ethical and theological synthesis. Keywords : Kant, canon of pure reason, metaphysics of morals, a priori synthetic judgments, moral law, ‘Kingdom of Ends’ categorical imperative, free will, immortality of the soul, existence of God, ethical-theological synthesis. DOI 10.22405/2304-4772-2024-1-1-5-16 Идея канона чистого разума играет ключевую роль в критической философии Канта. Прежде всего, она позволяет определить принципы применения чистого разума для установления критерия единства его теоретического (в том числе спекулятивного) и практического использования [10], а также выявить ряд парадоксов, связанных с применением постулатов чистого разума (свободы воли, бессмертия души и бытия Бога) в практической сфере нравственной метафизики [9, 11]. Под каноном чистого разума Кант понимает совокупность априорных принципов «правильного применения познавательных способностей». Например, формальная логика есть канон для рассудка и разума в целом, но