Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 1 (49) 2024 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (49), апрель 2024 г. 35 publication: 01.11.2014. URL: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/neuroscience-reveals-the-secrets-of- meditation-s-benefits/ . References 1. Vasilyev L. S. Istoriya religiy Vostoka [History of Eastern religions], Moscow, KDU Publ., 2004, 702 p. [In Russian] 2. Castaneda C. Ogon iznutri [The Fire From Within], Kiyev, Sofiya Publ., 2003, 413 p. [In Russian] 3. Puddicombe A. Meditatsiya i osoznannost [Meditation and Mindfulness], Moscow, Alpina Publ., 2014, 330 p. [In Russian] 4. Radzhiner S. V poiskakh vnutrennego mira [In search of inner peace], Moscow, Informekspress Publ., 1996, 149 p. [In Russian] 5. Vivekananda S. Radzha-Yoga [Raja Yoga], trans. by Ya. K. Popova, ed. Yog Ramanantata, Moscow, ABV Publ., 2020, 256 p. [In Russian] 6. Rossokhin A. V. Refleksiya i vnutrenniy dialog v izmenonnykh sostoyaniyakh soznaniya: Intersoznaniye v psikhoanalize [Reflexivity and Internal Dialogue in Altered States of Consciousness: Interconsciousness in Psychoanalysis], Moscow, KogitoTsentr Publ., 2010, 304 p. [In Russian] 7. Hegumen Khariton, Umnoye delaniye. O molitve Iisusovoy [Mental doing. On the Jesus Prayer], Minsk, Luchi Sofii Publ., 2001, 304 p. [In Russian] 8. Je Tsongkhapa, Bolshoye rukovodstvo k etapam Puti Probuzhdeniya. V 2 t. [The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. In 2 vols.], Saint Petersburg, Nartang Publ., 2019. [In Russian] 9. Eliade M. Istoriya very i religioznykh idey: Ot kamennogo veka do Elevsinskikh misteriy [A History of Religious Ideas. From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries], Moscow, Kriterion Publ., 2002, 464 p. [In Russian] 10. Luders E., Cherbuin N., Gaser C. Estimating brain age using high- resolution pattern recognition: Younger brains in long-term meditation practitioners, NeuroImage , 2016, No. 134, pp. 508–513. 11. Ricard M., Lutz A., Davidson R. J. Neuroscience Reveals the Secrets of Meditation’s Benefits, Scientific American , 2014, Vol. 311, Issue 5, URL: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/neuroscience-reveals-the-secrets-of- meditation-s-benefits/ Статья поступила в редакцию 19.01.2024 Статья допущена к публикации 11.03.2024 The article was received by the editorial staff 19.01.2024 The article is approved for publication 11.03.2024