Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 4 (48) 2023 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (48), декабрь 2023 г 13 labyrinth”], Philology. Theory & Practice , 2015, No. 9, part 1, Pp. 72-74. [In Russian] 5. Zelentsova S. V., Mikheicheva Ye. A. Preodoleniye smerti: literaturnyy eksperiment L. N. Andreyeva i Kh. L. Borkhesa [Conquering death: literary experiment by L. N. Andreev and J. L. Borges], Trudy Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo in-ta kul'tury , vol. 215, 2017, Pp. 115-122. [In Russian] 6. Borges J. L., Casares A. B. Kniga Nebes i Ada [The Book of Heaven and Hell], Saint Petersburg, Simpozium Publ, 2001, 256 p. [In Russian] 7. Karasik V. I. Pereformulirovaniye tsennostey kak postupok (opyt interpretatsii KH. L. Borkhesa) [Restatement of values as a deed (experience of interpretation of J. L. Borges)], Ivzestia of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University , No.7 (92), 2014, Pp.4-7. [In Russian] 8. Nazarova Yu. V. Bessmertiye kak metafizika bezumiya v tvorchestve Kh. L. Borkhesa [Immortality as metaphysics of madness in the work of J. L.Borges], “The Scientific Opinion” Journal , No. 11, 2020, Pp. 10-16. [In Russian] 9. Petrovskiy I. M. Beskonechnost`, Bog i Borkhes [Infinity, God, and Borges], Khorkhe Luis Borkhes: virtual'naya biblioteka [Jorge Luis Borges: virtual library],URL :http://www.bibliomsk.ru/library/global.phtml?mode=10&dirname=borg es_info&filename=info008.phtml (accessed: 25.11.2023) [In Russian] 10. Probshteyn Ya. Bozhestvennyy labirint Kh. L. Borkhesa. Sozidaniye teksta zanovo: svyatoy providets, slepoy pevets [The Divine Labyrinth of J. L. Borges. Creating the text anew: the holy seer, the blind singer], Gefter , URL: http://gefter.ru/archive/18347 (accessed: 25.11.2023) [In Russian] 11. Tertinyan I. A. Chelovek, mir, kultura v tvorchestve Khorkhe Luisa Borkhesa [Human, World, Culture in the Works of Jorge Luis Borges], Proza raznykh let [Prose of various years], Moscow, Raduga Publ., 1989, Pp. 5-20. [In Russian] 12. Childress M., McNair C. «Ya budu v drugom mire»: novoye interv'yu s Khorkhe Luisom Borkhesom [“I’ll Be in Another World”: A Rediscovered Interview with Jorge Luis Borges], LARB: Los Angeles Review of Books , URL: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/ill-be-in-another-world-a-rediscovered-interview- with-jorge-luis-borges (accessed: 04.12.2023) 13. Martínez Millán H. El Platón de Borges, Variaciones Borges , vol. 28, 2009. Pp. 163-186. URL: https://www.borges.pitt.edu/sites/default/files/10%20Martinez%20Millan.pdf (accessed: 19.09.2020) [In Spanish] 14. Tacconi M. del C. La cosmovisión de Jorge Luis Borges y sus raíces culturales, La aurora y el poniente: Borges (1899-1999) , ed. by M. Fuentes and P. Tovar, Tarragona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili Publ., 2000, Pp. 67–77, URL: https://www.borges.pitt.edu/sites/default/files/Tacconi.pdf (accessed: 25.11.2023) [In Spanish] Статья поступила в редакцию 27.11.2023 Статья допущена к публикации 15.12.2023 The article was received by the editorial staff 27.11.2023 The article is approved for publication 15.12.2023