Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 2 (46) 2023 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (46), июль 2023 г. 89 15. Novalis. Genrikh fon Ofterdingen; Fragmenty; Ucheniki v Saise [Heinrich von Ofterdingen. The Novices at Sais (=Die Lehrlinge zu Sais)]. St. Petersburg, Yevraziya publ, 1995. 240 p. [in Russ.] 16. Pushkin A. S. Stsena iz Fausta [Scene from Faust]. Sobraniye sochineniy: v 10 t. T. 2: Stikhotvoreniya. 1823-1836 [Collected Works: in 10 vols. Vol. 2: Poems. 1823-1836]. Moscow, Goslitizdat publ, 1959. 487 p. [in Russ.] 17. Kholodkovskiy N. Kommentariy k poeme I. V. Gete "Faust" [Commentary on the poem "Faust" by J. W. Goethe]. 4th edn. Moscow, URSS publ, Lenand publ, 2017. 288 p. [in Russ.] 18. Schelling F. W. J. Filosofiya iskusstva [The Philosophy of Art]. Moscow, Mysl publ, 1966. 496 p. [in Russ.] 19. Eckermann I. P. Razgovory s Gete v posledniye gody yego zhizni [Conversations with Goethe = Gespräche mit Goethe], trans. from German by N. Man. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literatura publ, 1986. 669 p. [in Russ.] 20. Eon : al'manakh staroy i novoy kul'tury [EON: Literary miscellany of old and new culture], ed. by R. A. Galtseva. RAS, INION, Centre for Humanities Research, Department of Cultural Studies. Moscow, 2009. Issue 9. 300 p. [in Russ.] Статья поступила в редакцию 04.05.2023 Статья допущена к публикации 15.07.2023 The article was received by the editorial staff 04.05.2023 The article is approved for publication 15.07.2023