Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 2 (46) 2023 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (46), июль 2023 г. 17 27. Piers G. Shame and Guilt: A Psychoanalytic Study // Shame and Guilt: A Psychoanalytic and Cultural Study / G. Piers, M. Singer. New York: Norton, 1953. P. 15–55. 28. Pufendorf S. Of the Law of Nature and Nations: Eight Books. London: Printed for J. Walthoe [et al.], 1729. 962 p. 29. Scheff T. J. Shame in Self and Society // Symbolic Interaction. 2003. Vol. 26, no. 2. P. 239–262. 30. Soyarslan S. Spinoza‘s Critique of Humility in the Ethics // The Southern Journal of Philosophy. 2018. Vol. 56, no. 3. P. 342–364. 31. Tangney J. P., Dearing R. L. Shame and Guilt. New York: Guilford Press, 2002. 272 p. 32. Taylor G. Pride, Shame, and Guilt: Emotions of Self-Assessment. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. 144 p. 33. Velleman D. J. The Genesis of Shame // Philosophy & Public Affairs. 2001. Vol. 30, no. 1. P. 27–52. 34. Williams B. Shame and Necessity. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. 254 p. References 1. Aristotle. Nikomakhova etika [Nicomachean Ethics]. Sochineniya [Works]. In 4 vols. Vol. 4. Moscow, Mysl Publ, 1984. Pp. 53–294. [in Russ.] 2. Benedict R. Khrizantema i mech: Modeli yaponskoi kul’tury [The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture] Moscow, ROSSPEN Publ, 2004. 256 p. [in Russ.] 3. Saint Augustine. Tvoreniya [Works]. In 4 vols. Vol. 4: The City of God. Books XIV-XXII. St. Petersburg, Aleteya Publ, 1998. 589 p. [in Russ.] 4. Descartes R. Strasti dushi [The Passions of the Soul]. Sochineniya [Works]. In 2 vols. Vol 1. Moscow, Mysl Publ, 1989. Pp. 481–572. [in Russ.] 5. Gadzhikurbanov A. G. Etika Spinozy kak metafizika morali [Spinoza's ethics as a metaphysics of morals]. Moscow, Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ Publ; St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya kniga Publ, 2014. 320 p. [in Russ.] 6. Grotius H. O prave voyny i mira [On the Law of War and Peace]. Мoscow, Ladomir Publ, 1994. 868 p. [in Russ.] 7. Jonas H. Printsip otvetstvennosti. Opyt etiki dlya tekhnologicheskoy tsivilizatsii [The Imperative of Responsibility: In Search of an Ethics for the Technological Age]. Moscow, Ayris-Press Publ, 2004. 480 p. [in Russ.] 8. Prokofyev A. V. O probleme styda v «Summe teologii» Fomy Akvinskogo [On the Problem of Shame in ―The Summa Theologica― of Thomas Aquinas]. Gumanitarnyye vedomosti TGPU im. L. N. Tolstogo . 2021. No. 3 (39). Pp. 17–32. URL: https://tsput.ru/fb//hum/2021/%E2%84%963%20(39)/17/index.html . [in Russ.] 9. Prokofyev A. V. Sotsializirovannaya i desotsializirovannaya kontseptsii styda: ikh spetsifika i vozmozhnosti soyedineniya [Socialized and desocialized