Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 1 (45) 2023 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (45), апрель 2023 г 25 1. Kant I. Kritika sposobnosti suzhdeniya [Critique of Judgement]. Sobraniye sochineniy. V 8 t. [Collected works. In 8 vols]. Vol.5. Moscow, Choro Publ, 1994. [in Russ.] 2. Kant I. Metafizika nravov [Metaphysics of Morals]. Sobraniye sochineniy. V 8 t. [Collected works. In 8 vols]. Vol.6. Moscow, Choro Publ, 1994. Pp.5-222. [in Russ.] 3. Kant I. O neudache vsekh filosofskikh popytok teoditsei [On the Miscarriage of all Philosophical Trials in Theodicy]. Sobraniye sochineniy. V 8 t. [Collected works. In 8 vols]. Vol.8. Moscow, Choro Publ, 1994. Pp.138-157. [in Russ.] 4. Kant I. Religiya v predelakh tol'ko razuma [Religion within the Borders of Reason Alone]. Sobraniye sochineniy. V 8 t. [Collected works. In 8 vols]. Vol.6. Moscow, Choro Publ, 1994. Pp.5-222. [in Russ.] 5. Leibniz G. W. Monadologiya [Monadology]. Sochineniya. V 4 t. [Works. In 4 vols.]. Vol. 1. Moscow, Mysl Publ, 1982. Pp.413-429. [in Russ.] 6. Leibniz G. W. O glubinnom proiskhozhdenii veshchey [On the primal origin of things]. Sochineniya. V 4 t. [Works. In 4 vols.]. Vol. 1. Moscow, Mysl’ Publ, 1982. Pp.282-290. [in Russ.] 7. Leibniz G. W. Opravdaniye Boga na osnovanii yego spravedlivosti, soglasovannoy s prochimi yego sovershenstvami i vsemi yego deystviyami [Vindication of God in virtue of His justice as reconciled with the rest of His perfections and His entire actions]. Opyty teoditsei o blagosti Bozhiyey, svobode cheloveka i nachale zla [Experiences of theodicy about the goodness of God, freedom of man and the beginning of evil]. Moscow, LENAND Publ, 2023. Pp. 467-497. [in Russ.] 8. Leibniz G. W. Opyty teoditsei o blagosti Bozhiyey, svobode cheloveka i nachale zla [Experiences of theodicy about the goodness of God, freedom of man and the beginning of evil]. Moscow, LENAND Publ, 2023. Pp.49-401. [in Russ.] 9. Leibniz G.W Rassuzhdeniye o metafizike [Discourse on Metaphysics]. Sochineniya. V 4 t. [Works. In 4 vols]. Vol 1. Moscow, Mysl’ Publ, 1982. Pp.125-163. [in Russ.] 10. Losskiy N. О. Bog i mirovoye zlo. Osnovy teoditsei [God and the Evil in the World. Essentials of Theodicy]. Bog I mirovoye zlo [God and the Evil in the World]. Moscow, Respublika Publ, 1994. Pp.315-389. [in Russ.] 11. McKenzie D. A Kantian theodicy. Faith and Philosophy. 1984. Vol. 1, no. 2. Рp. 236-247. 12. Pereboom D. Kant on God, evil, and teleology. Faith and Philosophy.-1996. Vol. 13, no. 4. Pp. 508-533. 13. Willareth O. Die Lehre vom Übel bei Leibniz, seiner Schule in Deutschland und bei Kant. Straßburg, Goeller Publ, 1898. 149 p. [in German] Статья поступила в редакцию 31.03.2023 Статья допущена к публикации 15.04.2023 The article was received by the editorial staff 31.03.2023 The article is approved for publication 15.04.2023