Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 3 (43) 2022 г
Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (43), ноябрь 2022 г 58 Enemy in Cold War Soviet Feature Films]. Moscow: Izd-vo RGGU publ, 2015. 232 p. [In Russian] 2. Ryabov O. V. «Matushka – Rus'»: opyt gendernogo analiza poiskov natsional'noy identichnosti Rossii v otechestvennoy i zapadnoy istoriosofii ["Mother Rus": an experience in gender analysis of the search for Russia's national identity in Russian and Western historiosophy]. Moscow: Ladomir publ, 2001. 202 p. [In Russian] 3. Salynsky D. Nabroski k probleme zhanrov v kino [An outline on genres in cinema]. Kinovedcheskiye zapiski: istoriko-teoreticheskiy zhurnal. 2005. No. 69 (12 Feb.). URL: http://www.kinozapiski.ru/ru/article/sendvalues/93/ (accessed: 15.08.2022). [In Russian] 4. Senyavskaya E. S. Problema «svoy – chuzhoy» v usloviyakh voyny i tipolo-giya «obraza Vraga» [The problem of "us versus them" in war and the typology of the "Enemy image"]. «Nashi» i «chuzhiye» v rossiyskom istoricheskom soznanii : Mezhdunar. nauch. konf., 24-25 maya 2001 g. ["Us and Others" in Russian Historical Consciousness: International Scientific Conference, May 24-25, 2001]. St. Petersburg, Nestor publ, 2001. P. 13-15. [In Russian] 5. Fedorov A. V. Transformatsii obraza Rossii na zapadnom ekrane: ot epokhi ideologicheskoy konfrontatsii (1946-1991) do sovremennogo etapa (1992- 2010). [Russia's image transformation on the Western screen: from the era of ideological confrontation (1946-1991) to the modern stage (1992-2010)]. Moscow: Informatsiya dlya vsekh publ, 2010. 221 p. [In Russian] 6. Bordwell D. Making meaning: inference and rhetoric in the interpretation of cinema. Harvard University Press, 1991. 334p. 7. Chandler D. An introduction to genre theory. http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/documents/intgenre/intgenre5.html (Acceded: 15.08.2022) 8. Clarke J. War Films / J. Clarke. London: Virgin, 2006. 295p. 9. Communication and culture: An introduction / Ed. by Gunther Kress. Kensington (N.S.W.): New South Wales univ. press, Cop. 1988. XV, 190 c. 10. Eberwein R. The Hollywood war film. Oxford: John Wiley&Sons Limited, 2010. 192p. 11. Edwards P. M. Guide to Films on the Korean War. Westport; London: Gardners Books, 1997. 149 p. 12. Fowler A. Genre // Erik Barnouw (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of Communications, Vol. 2. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Pp. 215-217. 13. Frank J. D. The image of the enemy // SANITY AND SURVIVAL : Psychological aspects of war and peace. Preface by J. William Fulbright. New York: Random House, 1967. Pp. 118-139. 14. Gledhill Ch. Genre // Pam Cook (Ed.). The Cinema Book. London: British Film Institute, 1985. P. 58-60. 15. Internet Movie Database. URL: https://www.imdb.com (accessed: 15.08.2021). 16. Keen S. Faces of the enemy: reflections of the hostile imagination. San Francisco: Harper & row, 1986. 199 p.
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