Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 3 (43) 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (43), ноябрь 2022 г 47 19. Murray H., Gillese E., Lennon M. Ethical Principles for College and University Teaching // New Directions for Teaching and Learning. 1996. Vol. 66, № 2. P. 57-63. 20. Romani L., Szkudlarek B. The struggles of the interculturalists: Professional ethical identity and early stages of codes of ethics development // Journal of Business Ethics. 2014. Vol. 119, № 2. Р. 173-191. 21. Watson D. Does Higher Education Need a Hippocratic Oath? // Higher Education Quarterly. 2007. Vol. 61, № 3. P. 362-374. References 1. Bukharestskaya deklaratsiya eticheskikh tsennostey i printsipov vysshego obrazovaniya v Yevrope [The Bucharest Declaration on ethical values and principles of higher education in the Europe region]. Vyssheye obrazovaniye segodnya [Higher Education Today]. 2005. No. 5. Pp. 14-16. [In Russian] 2. Valeyeva G. V. Eticheskiye riski tsifrovoy transformatsii obrazovaniya [Ethical Risks of Digital Transformation of Higher Education]. Manuskript . Vol. 14. No. 11. Tambov. Izd-vo « Gramota» Publ. 2021. Pp. 2343-2347. [In Russian] 3. Dremova O. V., Bekova S. K. Eticheskiye kodeksy v universitetakh: chto i kak oni reguliruyut? [University Codes of Ethics: What do They Regulate and How?]. Obrazovatelnaya politika [The Educational Policy Magazine]. 2021. No. 1 (85). URL: https://edpolicy.ru/eticheskie-kodeksy-v-universitetah-chto-i-kak-oni- regulirujut ( accessed: 12.09.2022) [In Russian] 4. Kashnikov B. N. Eticheskiy kodeks kak zamena yestestvennoy morali [A code of ethics as a substitute for natural morality]. Vedomosti . 2009. No. 34: Eticheskiy kodeks. Pp. 86-95. [In Russian] 5. Kushnarenko Ya. V. Obosnovaniye aksiologii v kontekste neklassicheskoy ratsional'nosti [Substantiation of axiology in the context of non- classical rationality]. dis. ... kand. filos. nauk : 09.00.01. Kushnarenko Yana Vladimirovna. Tomsk, 2004. 183 p.[In Russian] 6. Nazarova Yu. V. Transformatsiya nravstvennykh tsennostey v kontekste professionalnoy etiki [Transformation of moral values in the context of professional ethics]. Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya etika: traditsii i perspektivy-2020: Filosofiya. Etika. Praktika: materialy XII mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [12 th International Conference Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects. Phylosiphy/ Ethics. Practice] . Saint Petersburg, November 19-21, 2020. Ed. by V. Yu. Perov. Saint Petersburg, Sborka Publ., 2020. Pp. 163-164 [In Russian] 7. Prokofyev A. V. Eticheskiy kodeks akademicheskogo soobshchestva: parallel'nyy opyt razrabotki [Ethical code of the academic community: parallel development experience]. Vedomosti . 2009. No. 34. Pp. 96-113 [In Russian] 8. Rozov N. S. Tsennosti v problemnom mire: filosofskiye osnovaniya i sotsialnyye prilozheniya konstruktivnoy aksiologii. [Values in the Problematic World: Philosophical Foundations and Social Applications of Constructive Axiology]. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Novosibirskogo un-ta Publ. 1998. 292 p. [In Russian]