Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 3 (43) 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (43), ноябрь 2022 г 39 Intellekt. Innovatsii. Investitsii [Intellect. Innovation. Investments] . 2021. No 6. Pp. 123-128. [In Russian] 7. Pomelov V. A. Geymer: igroman ili kreativnaya lichnost'? [Player Computer Games: Gamers or Creative Person?]. Vestnik Chelyabinskoy gosudarstvennoy akademii kul'tury i iskusstv . 2014. No 3 (39). Pp. 76-81.[In Russian] 8. Sayenko N. R., Shcheglov I. V. Protsedury "vzhivleniya" ekrana v bytiye sovremennogo cheloveka [Procedures for "Implanting" the Screen into the Existence of Modern Human]. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kul'tura. 2012. No 4 (33). Pp. 275-282.[In Russian] 9. Heidegger M. Vopros o tekhnike [The Question Concerning Technology]. Vladimir Bibikhin . URL: http://bibikhin.ru/vopros_o_tekhnike#up (accessed:18.07.2022 ) [In Russian] 10. Heidegger M. Otreshennost' [Detachment]. Filosoff.org . URL: https://dostoevskiyfyodor.ru/heidegger/tvorchestvo/otreshennost/ (accessed:18.07.2022 ) [In Russian] 11. Huzinga J. Homo ludens. Chelovek igrayushchiy [Homo ludens]. Saint Petersburg, Azbuka Publ, 2018. 396 p.[In Russian] 12. Jaspers K. Smysl i naznacheniye istorii [The Origin and Goal of History]. Moscow, Politizdat Publ, 1991. 527 p. [In Russian] 13. Daniel Dashnaw. Cinema Therapy… and the Eye-Opening Promise of Mental Health Movies. Couples therapy inc .: official site . URL: https://www.couplestherapy inc.com/cinema- therapy/#(accessed: 18.07.2022) 14. Kris Tash. Horror film therapy: The Psychological Benefits of Scary Movies. Medium : blog. URL: https://medium.com/the-base-line/horror-film- therapy- 3f8b62c5ea82 (accessed:18.07.2022) 15. Luiz Antonio Slongo. Is it the motion picture or the theater? What influences m moviegoers in Porto Alegre? Revista de Gestãov . 2013. No 4. Pp. 77- 92. 16. . Volkova P [etc.] Virtual reality: Pro et contra. Journal of Social Studies Education Research . 2020. Vol. 11. No 4. Pp. 190-203. Статья поступила в редакцию 06.08.2022 Статья допущена к публикации 15.11.2022 The article was received by the editorial staff 06.08.2022 The article is approved for publication 15.11.2022