Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 3 (43) 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (43), ноябрь 2022 г 136 dolzhny-udelyat-bolshe-vnimaniya-etike-v-epokhu-tsifrovykh-tekhnologii-25783 (дата обращения: 07.10.2022) 10. Ethics and trust in a digital age: Strong ethical principles and behaviour will become more important in the evolving digital age, and a key enabler to building trust // ACCA: Think Ahead : site. URL: https://www.accaglobal.com/us/en/professional-insights/pro-accountants-the- future/Ethics-and-trust-in-a-digital-age.html (accessed: 07.10.2022) References 1. Hanna R, Kazim E. Prolegomena to Philosophical Foundations for Digital Ethics and Ai Ethics: A Dignitarian Manifesto. SSRN: [research networks]. Elsevier. URL: https://ssrn.com/abstract= ; Hanna R., Kazim E. Philosophical Foundations for Digital Ethics and AI Ethics: A Dignitarian Approach. SSRN: [research networks]. Elsevier. URL: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3794266 (accessed: 07.10.2022) 2. The Digital Ethics Lab (DELab) at the Oxford Internet Institute. Oxford Internet Institute . URL: https://digitalethicslab.oii.ox.ac.uk (accessed: 07.10.2022) 3. Laboratoriya prava i etiki tsifrovoy sredy [Law and Ethics Lab for the Digital Environment]. Institut prava tsifrovoy sredy [Institute for Law in the Digital Environment]. Moscow, HSE University Publ., 2021-2022. URL: https://digitallaw.hse.ru/ethics/ (accessed: 07.10.2022) [In Russian] 4. Aggarval N., Floridi L. Intercultural Digital Ethics at the OII. Oxford Internet Institute . URL: https://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/news-events/news/intercultural- digital-ethics-at-the-oii/; Ess C. Interpretative Pros Hen Pluralism: from Computer- Mediated Colonization to a Pluralistic Intercultural Digital Ethics. Philosophy & Technology . 2020. No. 33 (2). Pp. 552-569. 5. Agressiya v Internete: statistika i vyvody: sotsialnyye seti i soobshchestva [Online Aggression: Statistics and Findings : Social Networks and Communities]. Habr: site. URL: https://habr.com/ru/post/377957/ (accessed: 07.10.2022) [In Russian] 6. Kiberbullling: termin, primery`, prichiny` i zashhita ot nego. In vestlab . 2020. URL: https://invlab.ru/zhizn/kiberbulling/ (accessed: 07.10.2022). [In Russian] 7. Spitzer М. Digitale Demenz. Wie wir uns und unsere Kinder um den Verstand bringen. Munich, Droemer Knaur Publ. 2012. 272 p. [In German] 8. Eticheskiye aspekty ispolzovaniya kompyuternykh tekhnologiy [Ethical aspects of computer technology use]. Studwood . net . URL: https://studwood.net/561889/etika_i_estetika/eticheskie_aspekty_ispolzovaniya_kom pyuternyh_tehnologiy (accessed: 07.10.2022) [In Russian] 9. Issledovaniye ACCA: rossiyskiye kompanii dolzhny udelyat' bol'she vnimaniya etike v epokhu tsifrovykh tekhnologiy [The ACCA study: Russian companies should pay more attention to ethics in the digital age]. Finversia.ru. URL: https://www.finversia.ru/news/markets/issledovanie-acca-rossiiskie-kompanii-