Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 2(42). 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 2 (42), июль 2022 г. 48 Greek Philosophy, Volume I] . Saint-Petersburg, Vladimir Dalʹ Publ, 2015. 863 p. [In Russian] 6. Guthrie W. K. C. Dosokratovskaya traditsiya ot Parmenida do Demokrita [The Presocratic Tradition from Parmenides to Democritus]. Istoriya grecheskoy filosofii. T. 2 [A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume II]. Saint-Petersburg, Vladimir Dalʹ Publ, 2017. 896 p. [In Russian] 7. Homer. Iliada [The Iliad]. Saint-Petersburg, Nauka Publ, 2008. 572 p. [In Russian] 8. Diels H. Didakticheskaya poema Parmenida [Didactic poem of Parmenides=Parmenides: Lehrgedicht. Mit einem Anhang über Griechische Thüren und Schlösser.]. Vestnik Russkoy khristianskoy gumanitarnoy akademii [Journal of the Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities]. 2020. Vol. 21. Issue 2. Pp. 31-55. [In Russian] 9. Euripides. Faeton [Phaethon], trans. by Vladislava Neklyayeva – Vlanesa. Evripid.com . URL: https://evripid.com/wp- content/uploads/2021/10/PHAETHON2_with_notes.pdf [In Russian] 10. Zaytsev A. I. Kulʹturnyy perevorot v Drevney Gretsii VIII-V vv. do n.e. [Cultural upheaval in Ancient Greece in 8 th -5 th centuries BC] . Saint-Petersburg, Filol. fakulʹtet SPbGU Publ, 2001. 320 p. [In Russian] 11. Kuzʹmina E. E. Rasprostraneniye konevodstva i kulʹta konya u iranoyazychnykh plemen Sredney Azii i drugikh narodov Starogo Sveta [The spread of horse breeding and the cult of the horse among the Iranian-speaking tribes of Central Asia and other peoples of the Old World]. Srednyaya Aziya v drevnosti i srednevekovʹye [Central Asia in Antiquity and the Middle Ages]. Moscow, Nauka Publ, 1977. Pp. 28-52. [In Russian] 12. Kuzʹmina E. E. Otkuda prishli indoarii? [Where did the Indo-Aryans come from?]. Moscow, MGP "Kalina" Publ, 1994. 463 p. [In Russian] 13. Fragmenty [Abstracts of early Greek philosophers] , ed. by A. V. Lebedev. Part 1. Moscow, Nauka Publ, 1989. 576 p. [In Russian] 14. Losev A. F. Antichnaya mifologiya v yeye istoricheskom razvitii [Ancient mythology in its historical development]. Moscow, Uchpedgiz Publ, 1957. 620 p. [In Russian] 15. Nefedkin A. K. Boyevyye kolesnitsy i kolesnichiye drevnikh grekov (XVI-I vv. do n.e.) [War chariots and charioteers of the ancient Greeks (16 th -1 st centuries BC)]. Saint-Petersburg, Peterburgskoye vostokovedeniye Publ, 2001. 527 p. [In Russian] 16. Parmenides. Iz poemy «O prirode» [Absracts from “On Nature”]. Ellinskiye poety VII-III vv. do n. e. Epos. Elegiya. Yamby. Melika [Hellenic poets of the 7th-3rd centuries BC. e. Epos. Elegy. Yambs. Melik] . Moscow, Ladomir Publ, 1999. Pp. 178-182. [In Russian] 17. Petrov S. Yu. Konʹ, koleso i kolesnitsa. Kak predki russkikh sozdali sovremennyy mir [Horse, wheel and chariot. How the ancestors of the Russians created the modern world]. Moscow, Izdatelʹskiye resheniya Publ, 2022. 560 p. [In Russian] 18. Plutarkh. Kak yunoshe slushatʹ poeticheskiye proizvedeniya [How the Young Man Should Study Poetry]. Pamyatniki pozdney antichnoy nauchno-