Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(41). 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (41), март 2022 г 90 N. E. Onchukov: Tavda, Shukshozero and Samara fairy tales]. St. Petersburg: Aletheia publ., 2000. 488 p. [in Russian] 10. Skazki Terskogo berega Belogo moray [Tales of the Tersky coast of the White Sea]. Leningrad: Nauka publ., 1970. 448 p. [in Russian] 11. Russkaya skazka. Izbrannyye mastera. V 2 tomakh [Russian fairy tale. Selected Masters. In 2 volumes] . Moscow: Leningrad: Academia publ., 1932. Vol. 1 . 422 p.; Vol. 2 . 415 p. [in Russian] 12. Skazki i predaniya Samarskogo kraya [Tales and legends of the Samara region]. Collected and recorded by D.N. Sadovnikov. St. Petersburg: Tropa Troyanova publ., 2003. 447 p. [in Russian] 13. Pamyatniki russkogo fol'klora. Vyp. 2: Traditsionnyy fol'klor Nov- gorodskoy oblasti: Skazki. Legendy. Predaniya. Bylichki. Zagovory : po zapisyam 1963-1999g. [Monuments of Russian folklore. Issue. 2: Traditional folklore of the Novgorod region: Fairy tales. Legends. Traditions. Bylichki. Conspiracies: Recorded 1963-1999]. St. Petersburg: Academia publ., 2001. 534 p. [in Russian] 14. Tumilevich V. F. Skazki i predaniya kazakov-nekrasovtsev [Tales and legends of the Nekrasov Cossacks]. Rostov-on-Don: 1961. 272 p. [in Russian] 15. Russkiye narodnyye skazki: skazki rasskazany voronezhskoy skazochnitsey A. N. Korol'kovoy [Russian folk tales: fairy tales told by the Voronezh storyteller A. N. Korolkova ]. Moscow: Nauka publ., 1969. 408 p. [in Russian] 16. Velikorusskiye skazki arkhiva Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva. V 2 knigakh [Great Russian fairy tales from the archive of the Russian Geographical Society. In 2 books]. Collection by A. M. Smirnov. St. Petersburg: Tropa Troyanova publ., 2003. Book 1. 479 p.; Book 2. 448 p. [in Russian] 17. Shaparova N. S. Kratkaya entsiklopediya slavyanskoy mifologii [A short encyclopedia of Slavic mythology]. Moscow: AST publ., 2003. 624 p. [in Russian] 18. Severnorusskiye skazki v zapisyakh A. I. Nikiforova [North Russian fairy tales in the notes of A. I. Nikiforov]. Moscow: Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR publ., 1961. 386 p. [in Russian] 19. Staraya pogudka na novyy lad: russkaya skazka v izdaniyakh kontsa XIX veka [Old weather in a new way: Russian fairy tale in the editions of the late 20 th century]. St. Petersburg: Tropa Troyanova publ., 2003. 399 p. [in Russian] 20. Skazki i predaniya Severnogo kraya [Tales and legends of the Northern region]. Collection by I. V. Karnaukhova. St. Petersburg: Tropa Troyanova publ., 2006. 560 p. [in Russian] 21. Russkiye narodnyye skazki [Russian folk tales] . Compiled by E. V. Pomerantseva. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta publ., 1957. 511 p. [in Russian] Статья поступила в редакцию 31.01.2022 Статья допущена к публикации 15.03.2022 The article was received by the editorial staff 31.01.2022 The article is approved for publication 15.03.2022