Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(41). 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (41), март 2022 г 40 References 1. Berdnik T. O. Dizayn kostyuma [Costume design] . Rostov-on-Don: Feniks Publ., 2000. 447 p. [in Russian] 2. Wang Qing Modnyy Kitay: 10-letiye assotsiatsii dizaynerov kostyuma Kitaya [ Fashion China: 10th anniversary of the China Costume Designers Association, 1993-2003] . Beijing: Kitayskoye izdatel'stvo dokumentov Publ., 2003. 220 p. [in Russian] 3. Wei Ronghui Povelitel' vetrov kostyuma i dekora natsiy Kitaya [The lord of the winds of the costume and decor of the nations of China]. Beijing: Izdatel'stvo Pekinskogo universiteta Publ., 2008. 218 p. [in Russian] 4. Gantlow P. B. Dizayn uyutnogo doma: sozdaniye krasivogo i nedorogogo inter'yera [Design of a cozy house: creating a beautiful and inexpensive interior] . Rostov-on-Don: Feniks Publ., 2005. 284 p. [in Russian] 5. Glazychev V. L. Dizayn kak on yest' [Design as it is]. Moscow: Europe: Izdatel'stvo KDU Publ., 2013. 318 p. [in Russian] 6. Korolev Istoriya mirovoy kul'tury (mirovykh tsivilizatsiy) [History of World culture: world civilizations] . G. V. Drach, V. D. Bakulov, G. K. Korolev, etc.; scientific ed. by G. V. Drach. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks Publ., 2004. 536 p. [in Russian] 7. Kolenichenko N. V., Kalinina G. N. Chelovek kak tayna (aksiologicheskiy diskurs) [Man as a Mystery (Axiological Discourse)]. Nauka. Iskusstvo. Kul'tura : nauchnyy retsenziruyemyy zhurnal BGIIK Issue 1 (21). 2019. Pp. 155-160. [in Russian] 8. Kul'tura i obrazovaniye korennykh malochislennykh narodov Severa, Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii: izucheniye, sokhraneniye i vozrozhdeniye sbornik dokladov i statey rossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (p. Sosny, Odintsovskogo rayona Moskovskoy oblasti, 1-3 noyabrya 2012 g.) [Culture and education of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russia: study, preservation and revival: collection of reports and articles of the Russian scientific and practical conference, Sosny village, Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, November 1-3, 2012]. Moscow: IKHO RAO Publ., 2013. 173 p. [in Russian] 9. Kul'tura, iskusstvo, obrazovaniye: problemy, perspektivy razvitiya : materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (6 fevralya 2007 g.). [Culture, art, education: problems, prospects of development: materials of the international scientific and practical conference (February 6, 2007)]. Smolensk: SGII Publ., 2007. 332 p. [in Russian] 10. Nasu Mongol'skiy narodnyy muzykal'nyy instrument morinkhuur: kul'turno – istoricheskiy genezis i identifikatsiya [Mongolian Folk Instrument Morin Khuur: Cultural-Historical Genesis And Identification]. Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta. Seriya: Filosofskiye nauki [Bulletin of the Moscow Region State University. Series: Philosophy]. No. 2 Issue 1. 2020. Pp. 51-56. [in Russian] 11. Nikitina A. B. Kul'tura drevnikh tsivilizatsiy : teatral'noye puteshestviye v Drevniy Yegipet: uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye [Culture of ancient civilizations: