Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(41). 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (41), март 2022 г 145 20. Heller L., Niqueux M. Utopiya v Rossii [Histoire de l'utopie en Russie], trans. from French by I. V. Bulatovsky. St. Petersburg, Giperion publ, 2003. 310 p. [in Russian] 21. Gorbachev M. S. O proyektakh novoy redaktsii programmy KPSS, izmeneniy v ustave KPSS, osnovnykh napravleniy ekonomicheskogo i sotsial'nogo razvitiya SSSR na 1986–1990 gody i na period do 2000 goda: doklad na plenume TSK KPSS 15 oktyabrya 1985 goda [On the drafts of a new version of the CPSU program, changes in the charter of the CPSU, the main directions of the economic and social development of the USSR for 1986-1990 and for the period up to 2000: report at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU on October 15, 1985] . Izbrannyye rechi i stat'i [Selected speeches and articles]. Moscow, Politizdat publ, 1985. Pp. 357-367. [in Russian] 22. Gritsanov N. Ernst Blokh: Sotsiolog i publitsist neomarsksistskoy oriyentatsii [Ernst Bloch: Neo-Marxist Sociologist and Publicist]. Khronos: vsemirnaya istoriya v Internete [Chronos: World History Online]. URL: http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/bio_b/blohe01.php (accessed 30 January 2022). [in Russian] 23. Dranov A.V. Antiutopiya – put' k istine [Dystopia - the path to truth]. Moscow, Progress publ, 1992. Pp. 5-30. [in Russian] 24. Ivanova N. Vozvrashcheniye k nastoyashchemu [Return to the present]. Znamya. 1990. No. 8. Pp. 222-236. [in Russian] 25. Kondakov I. V. Konets russkoy utopii? [End of Russian utopia?]. Svobodnaya mysl' . 1993. No. 13. Pp. 27-38. [in Russian] 26. Latynina A. V ozhidanii zolotogo veka: ot skazki k antiutopii [Waiting for the golden age: from fairy tale to dystopia]. Oktyabr' . 1989. No. 6. Pp. 177-187. [in Russian] 27. Lotman Yu. M. Nepredskazuyemyye mekhanizmy kul'tury [Unpredictable mechanisms of culture]. Tallinn, TLU Press publ, 2010. 232 p. [in Russian] 28. Mannheim K. Ideologiya i utopiya [Ideology and Utopia]. Utopiya i utopicheskoye myshleniye: antologiya zarubezhnoy literatury [Utopia and Utopian Thinking: An Anthology of Foreign Literature], comp., ed. and intro. by V.A. Chalikova. Moscow, Progress publ, 1991. Pp. 113-169. [in Russian] 29. Mir filosofii: Kniga dlya chteniya. V 2 ch. [The World of Philosophy: A Book for Reading. In 2 parts], comp. by P.S. Gurevich, V.I. Stolyarov. Part 2: Chelovek. Obshchestvo. Kul'tura [Person. Society. Culture]. Moscow, Politizdat publ, 1991. 624 p. [in Russian] 30. Plyutto P. A. Issledovaniye real'nosti sotsiokul'turnogo virtual'nogo: opyt analiza sotsiokul'turnykh illyuziy : monografiya [The study of the reality of the sociocultural virtual: an experience of analyzing sociocultural illusions]. Moscow, Progress-Traditsiya publ, 2014. 368 p. [in Russian] 31. Revich V. Perekrestok utopiy. Sud'by fantastiki na fone sudeb strany [Crossroads of utopias. The fate of science fiction against the backdrop of the fate of the country]. Moscow, Institut vostokovedeniya RAN publ, 1998. 354 p. [in Russian] 32. Rekovskaya I. F. Obshchestvo i shkola: problemy perestroyki [Society and School: Problems of Perestroika]. Sotsial'nyye problemy perestroyki [Social