Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(41). 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (41), март 2022 г 144 https://web.archive.org/web/20060720100858/http :/ /www.rfsa.ru/rfsa.html#name2 (accessed 30 January 2022). [in Russian] 6. Bestuzhev-Lada I. V. Kak lyudi vovremya razglyadeli opasnost' [How people have recognized danger in time?]. Sbornik nauchnoy fantastiki [Science fiction collection]. Moscow, Znaniye publ, 1979. Issue 21. Pp. 240-250. [in Russian] 7. Bestuzhev-Lada I. V. Prognozirovaniye bylo iznachal'no obrecheno na pogrom [Forecasting was initially doomed to havoc]. UNLV Center for Democratic Culture University of Nevada Las Vegas (archives). URL: https://cdclv.unlv.edu/archives/Interviews/bestuzhevlada.html (accessed 30 January 2022). [in Russian] 8. Bilenkin D. Pustynya zhizni [Life Desert]. Sbornik nauchnoy fantastiki [Science fiction collection]. 1984. No 29. Pp. 7-114. [in Russian] 9. Bilenkin D. Sila sil'nykh [The power of the strong]. Sbornik nauchnoy fantastiki [Science fiction collection]. 1987. No 31. Pp. 7-79. [in Russian] 10. Blokh E. Tyubingenskoye vvedeniye v filosofiyu [Tübingen Introduction to Philosophy], trans. from German by Yu. Bystrova, S.Ye. Vershinin, D.I. Kriushov. Yekaterinburg, Izdatel'stvo Ural'skogo universiteta publ, 1997. 400 p. [in Russian] 11. Boldyrev I. A. Vremya utopii: problematicheskiye osnovaniya i konteksty filosofii Ernsta Blokha [The Time of Utopia: Problematic Foundations and Contexts of the Philosophy of Ernst Bloch]. Moscow, VShE publ, 2012. 296 p. [in Russian] 12. Bulychev K. Sapozhnaya masterskaya [Cobbler’s shop]. Sbornik nauchnoy fantastiki [Science fiction collection]. 1992. No 36. Pp. 5-24. [in Russian] 13. Bulychev K. Titanicheskoye porazheniye [Titanic Defeat]. Sbornik nauchnoy fantastiki [Science fiction collection]. 1992. No 36. Pp. 24-32. [in Russian] 14. Bulychev K. Trinadtsat' let puti [Thirteen years on the road]. Sbornik nauchnoy fantastiki [Science fiction collection]. 1990. No. 33. Pp. 9-63. [in Russian] 15. Bulychev K. (Mozheyko I.) Kak stat' fantastom [How to become a sci-fi writer]. Yesli [If]. 1999. NoNo 8, 10, 11. [in Russian] 16. Burlatskiy F. M. Novoye myshleniye: dialogi i suzhdeniya o tekhnologicheskoy revolyutsii i nashikh reformakh [New thinking: dialogues and judgments about the technological revolution and our reforms]. 2 nd edn., add. Moscow, Politizdat publ, 1989. 431 p. [in Russian] 17. Vershinin S. Ye. Zhizn' – eto nadezhda: Vvedeniye v filosofiyu Ernsta Blokha [Life Is Hope: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ernst Bloch]. Yekaterinburg, Izdatel’stvo Gumanitarnogo universiteta publ, 2001. 302 p. [in Russian] 18. Gal'tseva R., Rodnyanskaya I. Pomekha – chelovek : esse [Handicap is a human: essay]. Novyy mir. 1988. No 12. Pp. 217-230. [in Russian] 19. Gevorkyan E. Chem vymoshchena doroga v ray? : antipredisloviye [What is the road to heaven paved with? : anti-foreword]. Antiutopii XX veka: Yevgeniy Zamyatin, Oldos Khaksli, Dzhordzh Oruell [Dystopias of the 20 th century: Evgeny Zamyatin, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell]. Moscow, Knizhnaya palata publ, 1989. Pp. 5-2. [in Russian]