Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 4(40). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (40), декабрь 2021 г 68 (NBICS) and Transhumanistic Evolution]. Ed. by D. I. Dubrovsky. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo MBA Publ., 2013. 272 p. [In Russian] 3. Kofyrin N. V. Tsifrovaya smert' i tsifrovoye bessmertiye [Digital death and digital immortality]. NEWSLAND : informatsionno-diskussionnyy portal. URL: https://newsland.com/community/129/content/tsifrovaia-smert-i-tsifrovoe- bessmertie/6861130 (accessed: 15 November 2021). [In Russian] 4. Kune R., Tuchina M. Ye. Vtoroy mezhdunarodnyy kongress «Global'noye budushcheye 2045» (N'yu-York, iyun' 2013 g.) [The second international Global Future 2045 congress (New York, June 2013)]. Filosofskiye nauki [Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences] . 2013. Issue 12. Pp. 125-136. URL: https://www.phisci.info/jour/article/view/1599/1531 (accessed: 07 September 2021). [In Russian] 5. Laboratoriya tsifrovoy etiki pri Oksfordskom universitete [Laboratory of Digital Ethics at the University of Oxford]. Digital Ethics Lab : official website. URL: https://digitalethicslab.oii.ox.ac.uk (accessed: 05 September 2021). [In Russian] 6. Loginov N. Razbor Metavselennoy: chto eto ‒ neizbezhnoye budushcheye tsifrovykh tekhnologiy ili pustaya fantaziya [Analysis of the Metaverse, what is it - the inevitable future of digital technologies or an empty fantasy]. TJ : blogplatforma . Date of publication: 08 November 2021. URL: https://tjournal.ru/tech/466466-razbor-metavselennoy-chto-eto-neizbezhnoe- budushchee-cifrovyh-tehnologiy-ili-pustaya-fantaziya (accessed: 15 November 2021). [In Russian] 7. Nazarov V. N. Tsifrovoy dvoynik kak sub"yekt informatsionnoy etiki [Digital Twin As Subject Of Information Ethics]. Eticheskaya mysl [Ethical Thought]. 2020. Vol. 20, Issue 1. Pp. 142-154. [In Russian] 8. Tuchina M. Mezhdunarodnyy kongress «Global'noye budushcheye 2045» (Moskva, fevral' 2012 g.) ["Global Future 2045" International Congress]. Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2012. Issue (9). Pp. 150-157. [In Russian] 9. Andreeva A. Tsifrovoye bessmertiye: yest' li zhizn' posle smerti v komp'yutere [Digital immortality: is there life after death in a computer]. RBK : official website . AO «Rosbizneskonsalting». Updated: 26 April 2021. URL: https://trends.rbc.ru/trends/futurology/5e2825d29a7947f9fe755f87 (accessed: 25 November 2021). [In Russian] 10. Shapovalov I. S. Razrusheniye identichnosti i otchuzhdeniye ot smerti v tanatosensitivnoy tsifrovoy srede [Destruction of Identity and Alienation from Death in Thanatosensitive Digital Environment]. Manuscript. 2021. Vol. 14. Issue 6. Pp. 1202‒1208. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/razrushenie-identichnosti-i- otchuzhdenie-ot-smerti-v-tanatosensitivnoy-tsifrovoy-srede (accessed: 15 November 2021). [In Russian] 11. Bell G., Gray J. Digital Immortality. Microsoft : website. URL: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/tr-2000- 101.pdf (accessed: 31 August 2021). 12. Carroll, E., Romano, J., Carroll, E., Romano, J., Mitchell, L. M., Stephenson, P. H., et al. Your digital afterlives: Computational theories of life after