Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 4(40). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (40), декабрь 2021 г 55 27. Shakhov M. O. Pravovyye osnovy deyatel'nosti religioznykh ob"yedineniy v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Legal basis for the activities of religious associations in the Russian Federation]. Moscow: Izd-vo Sretenskogo monastyrya Publ., 2011. 352 p. [In Russian] 28. Bethune P.-F. Monastic inter-religious dialogue. The Wiley-Blackwell companion to inter-religious dialogue . Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Publ., 2013. Pp. 34–50. 29. Cheetham C. Creation and Religious Pluralism . Oxford : Oxford University Press, USA. 2020. 240 p. 30. Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam. King encyclopedia: website . URL: https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/encyclopedia/clergy-and-laymen- concerned-about-vietnam-calcav (accessed: 9 September 21). 31. Fletcher J. H. Women in inter-religious dialogue. The Wiley-Blackwell companion to inter-religious dialogue . Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Publ., 2013. Pp. 168–184. 32. Guinovart-Pedescoll J.-O. When Fear becomes Peace: Transforming Interreligious Dialogue into a Social Movement (World Conference on Religion and Peace/1970–1973). Talking Dialogue: Eleven Episodes in the History of the Modern Interreligious Dialogue Movement . Ed. by Lehmann K. Berln; Boston: De Gruyter Publ., 2021. Pp. 203-230. 33. Interfaith COVID-19 Response Provides Medical Supplies, Plants Trees & Counters Misinformation. Religions for Peace: website. URL: https://www.rfp.org/interfaith-covid-19-response-provides-medical-supplies-plants- trees-counters-misinformation/ (accessed: 9 September 21). 34. Interfaith Rainforest Initiative. IRI DRC: website. URL: https://www.interfaithrainforest.org/ (accessed: 9 September 21). 35. International partnership on religious and sustainable development. PaRD: website. URL: www.partner-religion-development.org/ (accessed: 9 September 21). 36. Knitter P. One Earth, Many Religions: Multifaith Dialogue and Global Responsibility . Maryknoll: Orbis Publ., 1995. 218 p. 37. Melnik S. Types of Interreligious Dialogue. Journal of Interreligious Studies. 2020. Issue 31. Pp. 48–72. 38. Moyaert M. Interreligious Dialogue. Understanding Interreligious Relations . Ed. by D. Cheetham, D. Pratt, and D. Thomas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. 193-217. 39. Multi-Religious Humanitarian Fund. Religions for Peace: website . URL: https://www.rfp.org/multi-religious-humanitarian-fund (accessed: 9 September 21). 40. Palmer C., McShane K., Sandler R. Environmental ethics. Annual review of environment and resources . 2014. Issue 39 (1). Pp. 419-442. 41. Swidler L. The “dialogue of civilizations” at the tipping point: The “dialogosphere”. Journal of ecumenical Studies . 2015. Issue 50:1. P. 3. 42. That All May Flourish: Comparative Religious Environmental Ethics . Ed. by Hartman L. Oxford: Oxford University Press USA, 2018. 328 p.