Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 4(40). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (40), декабрь 2021 г 53 Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk donated humanitarian aid to an orphanage in Syria]. OVTSR: website. URL: https://mospat.ru/ru/2018/11/18/news166781/ (accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian]. 8. Zavershilas' mezhreligioznaya gumanitarnaya aktsiya v Sirii i Livane, stavshaya bespretsedentnoy po ob"yemu peredannoy pomoshchi [An interreligious humanitarian action in Syria and Lebanon has ended, which has become unprecedented in terms of the aid transferred to him]. OVTSR : website. URL: https://mospat.ru/ru/2018/02/09/news156494/ (accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian]. 9. Zayavleniye «O zashchite zhizni nerozhdennykh detey» [Statement on the Protection of the Life of Unborn Children]. Mezhreligioznyy sovet Rossii: website. URL: http://interreligious.ru/documents/statements/statements_4.html (accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian]. 10. Zayavleniye prezidiuma Mezhreligioznogo soveta Rossii po voprosam zashchity prav sem'i i rebenka [Statement of the Presidium of the Interreligious Council of Russia on the Protection of the Rights of the Family and the Child]. Mezhreligioznyy sovet Rossii: website. URL: http://interreligious.ru/documents/statements/statements_31.html (accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian] 11. Kirill, Patriarkh Moskovskiy i vseya Rusi Podumayte o budushchem chelovechestva [Cyril, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Think about the future of humanity]. Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskoy Patriarkhii Publ., 2018. 160 p. [In Russian] 12. Kirill, Patriarkh Moskovskiy i vseya Rusi Svoboda i otvetstvennost': v poiskakh garmonii. Prava cheloveka i dostoinstvo lichnosti [Freedom and responsibility: in search of harmony. Human rights and personal dignity]. Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskoy Patriarkhii Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi Publ., : Sinodal'nyy informatsionnyy otdel Moskovskogo Patriarkhata Publ., 2016. 288 p. [In Russian] 13. Melnik S. V. Klassifikatsiya tipov mezhreligioznogo dialoga [Classification of Types of Interreligious Dialogue]. Kommunikologiya . 2020. Vol. 8. Issue 2. Pp. 25-51. [In Russian] 14. Melnik S. V. Klassifikatsii tipov mezhreligioznogo dialoga: analiz sushchestvuyushchikh podkhodov [A Typology of Interreligious Dialogue: Analysis of Existing Approaches]. Klassifikatsii tipov mezhreligioznogo dialoga: analiz sushchestvuyushchikh podkhodov [State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide]. 2018. Issue 4 (36). Pp. 87-118. [In Russian] 15. Obrashcheniye k dukhovnym lideram s bratskoy podderzhkoy v svyazi s aktsiyey yedineniya religiy v molitve i poste za okonchaniye pandemii [Appeal to spiritual leaders with fraternal support in connection with the action of uniting religion in prayer and fasting for the end of the pandemic]. Sovet muftiyev Rossii: website . URL: https://muslim.ru/articles/287/27019/?sphrase_id=20933 (accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian] 16. Papa Rimskiy Frantsisk prizval postit'sya 14 maya radi izbavleniya ot COVID-19 [Pope Francis calls for fasting on May 14 to get rid of COVID-19]. Dukhovnoye upravleniye musul'man RF: website. URL: http://dumrf.ru/common/event/17082 (accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian]