Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 4(40). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (40), декабрь 2021 г 52 40. Palmer C., McShane K., Sandler R. Environmental ethics // Annual review of environment and resources. 2014. N 39 (1). P. 419-442. 41. Swidler L. The «dialogue of civilizations» at the tipping point: The «dialogosphere» // Journal of ecumenical Studies. 2015. № 50:1. P. 3. 42. That All May Flourish: Comparative Religious Environmental Ethics / ed. Hartman L. Oxford: Oxford University Press USA, 2018. 328 p. 43. The Wiley-Blackwell companion to inter-religious dialogue / ed. C. Cornille. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. 512 p. 44. Voices from Religions on Sustainable Development / ed. K. Singh, J. S. Clark. Berlin: German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation, 2016. 159 p. References 1. V Damaske otkryta shkola, vosstanovlennaya religioznymi obshchinami Rossii [A school restored by the religious communities of Russia opened in Damascus]. Otdel vneshnikh tserkovnykh svyazey Moskovskogo Patriarkhata. OVTSR: website . URL: https://mospat.ru/ru/2019/09/25/news178009/ (accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian] 2. V Den' donora veruyushchiye Moskvy proveli mezhkonfessional'nuyu aktsiyu po sdache krovi [On Donor Day, believers in Moscow held an interfaith blood donation campaign]. Pravitel'stvo Moskvy: website . URL: https://www.mos.ru/news/item/39368073/ (accessed: 09 September 21). 3. V OVTSS proshel kruglyy stol na temu uchastiya Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi v profilaktike i bor'be s VICH/SPIDom [The DECR hosted a round table on the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the prevention and fight against HIV/AIDS]. Moskovskaya Patriarkhiya: official website. URL: http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/5588890.html ( accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian] 4. V Siriyu otpravlena pervaya partiya sovmestnoy pomoshchi ot rossiyskikh religioznykh organizatsiy [The first batch of joint aid from Russian religious organizations sent to Syria]. OVTSR: website . URL: https://mospat.ru/ru/2017/06/23/news147833/ (access: 09 September 21). [In Russian] 5. V Tegerane zavershilos' odinnadtsatoye zasedaniye sovmestnoy komissii po dialogu «Pravoslaviye-Islam», posvyashchennoye problemam ekologii [The eleventh meeting of the joint commission for the dialogue "Orthodoxy-Islam", dedicated to environmental problems, has ended in Tehran]. OVTSR: website . URL: https://mospat.ru/ru/news/47480/ (accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian] 6. Vyrubka tropicheskikh lesov. Problema vyrubki tropicheskikh lesov [Tropical deforestation. The issue of tropical deforestation]. ECOPORTAL: website . URL: https://ecoportal.info/vyrubka-tropicheskix-lesov/ (accessed: 09 September 21). [In Russian]. 7. Delegatsiya vo glave s mitropolitom Volokolamskim Ilarionom peredala gumanitarnuyu pomoshch' v detskiy internat v Sirii [A delegation led by