Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 2 (38). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 2 (38), июль 2021 г 125 Diversity, the Clash and Coexistence of the Many] . Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2002. [In Chinese] 5. Dukhovnoye proizvodstvo: sotsial'no-filosofskiy aspekt problemy dukhovnoy deyatel'nosti [Spiritual production: social and philosophical aspect of the problem of spiritual activity]. Exec. editor V. I. Tolstykh. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1981. 352 p. [In Russian] 6. Kak uchat muzyke za rubezhom [How music is taught abroad]. Comp., foreword by D. J. Hargreaves, A. K. North. Transl. from English by V. Banguleev. Moscow: Klassika-XXI Publ., 2009. 205 p. [In Russian] 7. Salimova K., Dodde N. Pedagogika narodov mira: istoriya i sovremennost': mezhdunar. proyekt: ucheb. posobiye dlya vuzov [Pedagogy of the peoples of the world: history and modernity: international. project: textbook for universities] . Moscow: Pedagogicheskoye obshchestvo Rossii Publ., 2001. 568 p. [In Russian] 8. Sum Baer Kitayskaya narodnaya muzyka kak faktor vospitaniya (traditsii i sovremennost') [Chinese Folk Music As A Factor Of Education (Tradition And Modernity)]. Nauka. Iskusstvo. Kul'tura . 2020. Issue 1 (25). Pp. 58-65. [In Russian] 9. Sun Jinan, Zhou Zhuquan Kratkoye izlozheniye obshchey istorii muzyki v Kitaye [A summary of the general history of music in China] . Jinan: Education of Shandong Province Publ., 1993. [In Chinese] 10. Flier A. Ya. Kul'turnyye industrii v istorii i sovremennosti: tipy i tekhnologii [Cultural Industries in History and Contemporaneity: The Types and Technologies]. Informatsionnyy gumanitarnyy portal «Znaniye. Ponimaniye. Umeniye» [The informational humanitarian portal “Knowledge. Understanding. Skill”]. 2012. Issue 3 (May – June). URL: http://zpu-journal.ru/e- zpu/2012/3/Flier_Cultural-Industries/ (accessed: 01 May 2021). [In Russian] 11. Hesmondhalgh D. Kul'turnyye industrii [Cultural industries]. Transl. from English by I. Kushnareva. 2nd ed. Moscow: ID VSHE Publ., 2018. 453 p. [In Russian] 12. Jia Xudong Kul'turnaya Politika i industriya Kitaya v kontekste globalizatsii [Cultural Policy and Industry of China in the Context of Globalization]. Vek Globalizatsii [Age Of Globalization]. 2018. Issue 2. Pp. 101-114. [In Russian] 13. Shabalov M. P. Osnovy kul'turnoy politiki Kitaya [Fundamentals of Cultural Policy in China]. Kul'tura i bezopasnost' : internet-zhurnal o kul'ture kak faktore natsional'noy bezopasnosti. 2015. 17 April. URL: http://sec.chgik.ru/osnovyi- kulturnoy-politiki-kitaya-2/ (accessed: 01 March 2021). [In Russian] 14. Yang Pengtao Kul'turno-istoricheskiy genezis i problemnyye zony kitayskoy muzykal'no-obrazovatel'noy kul'tury [Cultural and Historical Genesis and Problem Areas of Chinese Musical and Educational Culture]. Nauka. Iskusstvo. Kul'tura . 2020. Issue 3 (27). Pp. 25-32. [In Russian] Статья поступила в редакцию 30.06.2021 Статья допущена к публикации 10.07.2021 The article was received by the editorial staff 30.06.2021 The article is approved for publication 10.07.2021