Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 2 (38). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 2 (38), июль 2021 г 115 filol. nauk [Documentary means of the sphere of public relations: typology, properties, style organization: Thes. ... Cand. Philol. Sciences] : 05.25.02. Volgograd State University. Volgograd, 2015. 156 p. [In Russian] 4. Vorobyev G. G. Dokument: informatsionnyy analiz [Document: information analysis] . Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1973. 254 p. [In Russian] 5. Voskresenskiy A. K. Informatsiya i dokument: gnoseologicheskiye i ontologicheskiye aspekty. Chast 1. (Analitichesky obzor) [Information and document: epistemological and ontological aspects. Part 1. (Analytical review)]. Sotsial'nyye i gumanitarnyye nauki. Otechestvennaya i zarubezhnaya literatura. Ser. 3 : Filosofiya [Social sciences and humanities. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 3. Philosophy]. Moscow: Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ.. 2012. Issue 4. Pp. 5-61. [In Russian] 6. GOST 16487-70 Deloproizvodstvo i arkhivnoye delo: Terminy i opredeleniya [Office work and archiving: Terms and definitions]. Moscow: Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Devices at the Council of Ministers of the USSR Publ., 1971. Pp. 2. [In Russian] 7. Dvoyenosova G. A. Dokument – imya sobstvennoye! [Document is a Proper Name!]. Vestnik RGGU. Ser.: Dokumentovedeniye i arkhivovedeniye. Informatika. Zashchita informatsii i informatsionnaya bezopasnost' [RGGU Bulletin Series Records Management and Archival Studies Computer Science Data Protection and Information Security]. Moscow: RGGU Publ., 2014. Issue 2 (124). Pp. 87-93. [In Russian] 8. Ilizarov B. S. Aktual'nyye teoreticheskiye i metodologicheskiye problemy sovetskogo arkhivovedeniya : uchebnoye posobiye [Actual theoretical and methodological problems of Soviet archival science: textbook]. Moscow: MGIAI Publ., 1984. 107 p. [In Russian] 9. Ilganaeva V. A. Sotsial'nyye kommunikatsii (teoriya, metodologiya, deyatel'nost'): slovar'-spravochnik [Social communications (theory, methodology, activity): glossary]. Comp. by V. A. Ilganaeva. Kharkov: Gorodskaya tipografiya Publ., 2009. 392 p. [In Russian] 10. Kosova M. V. Priznaki zakonodatel'nogo dokumenta v tekste «Russkoĭ pravdy» [Features of Legislative Document in the Text of Russkaya Pravda]. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2. Jazykoznanije [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics]. Volgograd, 2017. Vol. 16. Issue 1. Pp. 47-52. [In Russian] 11. Larin M. V. Aktual'nyye problemy sovremennogo dokumentovedeniya [Topical Problems of Modern Records Management]. Vestnik RGGU. Ser.: Dokumentovedeniye i arkhivovedeniye. Informatika. Zashchita informatsii i informatsionnaya bezopasnost' [RGGU Bulletin Series Records Management and Archival Studies Computer Science Data Protection and Information Security]. Moscow: RGGU Publ., 2014. Issue. 2. Pp. 139-148. [In Russian] 12. Larkov N. S. Dokumentovedeniye : uchebnik. 3-ye izd., pererabotannoye i dopol. [Records Management: textbook. 3 rd Revised and Supplemented Edition]. Moscow: Prospekt Publ., 2017. 412 p. [In Russian]