Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 2 (38). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 2 (38), июль 2021 г 104 to a city. On the formulation of the issue of studying the Soviet urban planning of the 1950s-early 1980s]. Internet-Vestnik VolgGASU. Ser.: Politematicheskaya. 2011, 3 (17). Pp. 1-15. URL: http://vestnik.vgasu.ru/attachments/Kosenkova-2011_3(17).pdf (Accessed 20 October 2018). [In Russian] 10. Mel'nikov K. S. Printsipy arkhitekturnogo tvorchestva [Principles of architectural creativity]. Raboty arkhitekturnykh masterskikh 2: Masterskaya № 4-7, № 10-12 i Ukazateli imen [Works of architectural workshops 2: Workshop №4-7, № 10-12 and Indexes of Names]. Exec. Ed V. L. Dedyukhin. Moscow: Mossovet Publ. 1936. Pp. 3-4. [In Russian] 11. Milyutin N. A. Osnovnyye voprosy teorii sovetskoy arkhitektury [The main questions of the theory of Soviet architecture]. Sovetskaya arkhitektura. 1933. Issue 6. Pp. 2-11. [In Russian] 12. Nikolayeva Zh. V. Arkhitektura v soznanii totalitarnoy epokhi [Architecture in the minds of the totalitarian era] : dis. … kand. filos. nauk [Thes. ... Cand. Philos. Sciences] : 24.00.01. Saint Petesrburg, 2006. 137 p. [In Russian] 13. Rempel' L. I. Arkhitektura poslevoyennoy Italii [Architecture of postwar Italy]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Vsesoyuznoy akademii arkhitektury Publ., 1935. 208 p. [In Russian] 14. Fornaro E. «Belyye nochi» Filippo Tommazo Marinetti ["White Nights" by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti]. Studia Culturae. Issue 14. 2012. Pp. 153-160. [In Russian] 15. Khan-Magomedov S. O. Arkhitektura sovetskogo avangarda: Kn. 1: Problemy formoobrazovaniya [The Architecture of the Soviet Avant-garde: Book 1: Problems of Design]. Moscow: 1996, 709 p. [In Russian] 16. Fomin I. A. Dokladnaya zapiska Tov. Lazaryu Moiseyevichu Kaganovichu po voprosu krasivoy zastroyki goroda Moskvy Akademika I. A. Fomina. 15 oktyabrya 1933 g. : mashinopisnaya kopiya iz fonda I. A. Fomina v GNIMA im. A. V. Shchuseva [Memorandum for Tov. Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich on the issue of the beautiful development of the city of Moscow Academician by I. A. Fomin. October 15, 1933: typewritten copy from the collection of I. A. Fomin at the State Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences named after I.A. A. V. Shchuseva]. Lisovsky V. G. Ivan Fomin i metamorfozy russkoy neoklassiki [Ivan Fomin and the metamorphoses of Russian neoclassicism]. St. Petersburg: Kolo Publ., 2008. 488 p. Pp. 477-478. [In Russian] 17. Fomin I. A. Novyye puti v arkhitekture. Dekabr' 1928 g. : mashinopisnaya kopiya iz fonda I. A. Fomina v GNIMA im. A. V. Shchuseva [New paths in architecture. December 1928: typewritten copy from the collection of I.A.Fomin at the State Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences named after I. A. A. V. Shchuseva] Lisovsky V. G. Ivan Fomin i metamorfozy russkoy neoklassiki [Ivan Fomin and the metamorphoses of Russian neoclassicism]. St. Petersburg: Kolo Publ., 2008. 488 p. Pp. 472-476. [In Russian] 18. Ettinger P. D. Inostrannaya khronika [Foreign chronicle]. Sovremennaya arkhitektura. 1926. Issue 1. P. 24. [In Russian] 19. Yakushenko O. V. Sovetskaya arkhitektura i Zapad: otkrytiye i assimilyatsiya zapadnogo opyta v sovetskoy arkhitekture kontsa 1950-kh - 1960-kh