Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 2 (38). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 2 (38), июль 2021 г 103 20. Ciucci G. Gli architetti e il fascismo. Architettura e cittа 1922–1944. Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a., 2002. 222 p. References 1. Alabyan K. S. Zadachi sovetskoy arkhitektury: doklad [The tasks of Soviet Architecture: a report]. Pervyy Vsesoyuznyy s"yezd sovetskikh arkhitektorov; Orgkomitet Soyuza sovetskikh arkhitektorov SSSR [First All-Union Congress of Soviet Architects; Organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet Architects of the USSR]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Vsesoyuznoy akademii arhitektury Publ., 1937. 32 p. [In Russian] 2. Arkin D. E. Zagranichnyye vpechatleniya. Vichentsa [Overseas experience. Vicenza]. Arkhitektura SSSR. 1936. Issue 8. Pp. 65-69. [In Russian] 3. Bass V. G. Formal'nyĭ diskurs kak posledneye pribezhishche sovetskogo arkhitektora [Formal discourse as the last refuge of the Soviet architect]. Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye. Issue 137 (1/2016). 2016. URL: https://www.nlobooks.ru/magazines/novoe_literaturnoe_obozrenie/137_nlo_1_2016/ article/11789/ (Accessed 21 September 2018). [In Russian] 4. Burov A. K. Iz putevogo dnevnika arkhitektora. Zagranichnyye vpechatleniya [From architect's travel diary. Overseas experience]. Arkhitektura SSSR. 1936. Issue 9. Pp. 69-74. [In Russian] 5. Vesnin V. A. O sovremennoy ital'yanskoy arkhitekture [About modern architecture of Italy]. Arkhitekturnyye zapiski. Rim ‒ Pompei ‒ Florentsiya ‒ Venetsiya ‒ Vichentsa ‒ Parizh : iz materialov sovetskoy delegatsii na XIII Mezhdunarodnom arkhitekturnom kongresse [Architectural notes. Rome - Pompeii - Florence - Venice - Vicenza - Paris. From the materials of the Soviet delegation at the 13th International Architectural Congress]. Ed. by R. V. Galinskiy. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Vsesoyuznoy akademii arkhitektury Publ., 1937. 245 p. [In Russian] 6. Iofan B. M. Materialy o sovremennoy arkhitekture SSHA i Italii [Materials on the modern architecture of the USA and Italy]. Akademiya arkhitektury. 1936. Issue 4. Pp. 7–16. [In Russian] 7. Kolli N. Y. Zadachi sovetskoy arkhitektury: Osnovnyye etapy razvitiya sovetskoy arkhitektury [The tasks of Soviet Architecture. The main stages in the development of Soviet architecture]. Pervyy Vsesoyuznyy s"yezd sovetskikh arkhitektorov; Orgkomitet Soyuza sovetskikh arkhitektorov SSSR [First All-Union Congress of Soviet Architects; Organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet Architects of the USSR]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Vsesoyuznoy akademii arkhitektury Publ., 1937. 54 p. [In Russian] 8. Konysheva E. V. «Za rubezhom»: osveshcheniye zapadnogo opyta v sovetskoy professional'noy presse 1920-1930-kh godov ["Abroad": coverage of Western experience in the Soviet professional press of the 1920s-1930s]. Academia. Arkhitektura i stroitel'stvo [Academia. Architecture and construction]. 2015, Issue 4. Pp. 9-15. [In Russian] 9. Kosenkova Y. L. Dolgiy put' k gorodu. K postanovke problemy izucheniya sovetskogo gradostroitel'stva 1950-kh - nachala 1980-kh gg. [A long way