Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1 (37). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (37), март 2021 г. 89 полилог: журнал Междунар. центра изучения русской философии. 2018. №. 3. С. 102-124. 8. Тынянов Ю. Н. Об иллюстрации // Поэтика. История литературы. Кино. М.: Наука, 1977. С. 310-319. 9. Kaunda C. J. ‘The Ngabwe Covenant’ and The Search for an African Theology of Eco-Pneumato-Relational Way of Being in Zambia // Religions. 2020. Vol. 11, № 6. С. 275. 10. Methuen C. ‘These four letters sola are not there’: Language and Theology in Luther’s Translation of the New Testament // Studies in Church History. 2017. Vol. 53. С. 146-163. 11. Nord C. Function+ Loyalty: Theology Meets Skopos // Open Theology. 2016. Vol. 1, № 2. P. 566-580. 12. Tichelkamp C. Mystical Theology and Translation: Re-veiling the Latin Corpus Dionysiacum // Medieval Mystical Theology. 2020. Vol. 29, № 1. С. 41-53. References 1. Bibikhin V. V. Aleksey Fedorovich Losev; Sergey Sergeyevich Averintsev. Moscow: Institut svyatogo Fomy Publ., 2014. 416 p. [In Russian] 2. Vasilyeva T. V. Ob odnoy neumirayushchey traditsii klassicheskogo obrazovaniya [On an undying tradition of classical education]. Traditsiya v istorii kul'tury. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1978. Pp. 174-179. [In Russian] 3. Vasilyeva T. V. Oglyanis' v nedoumenii [Look around in disbelief]. Poetika antichnoy filosofii [The poetics of ancient philosophy]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Triksta Publ., 2008. Pp. 692-703. [In Russian] 4. Gasparov M. L. Zapiski i vypiski [Notes and extracts]. Moscow: Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye Publ., 2000. 416 p. [In Russian] 5. Karsavin L. P. Otkroveniya bl. Andzhely [The revelations of blessed Angela]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo G. A. Lemana Publ., 1918. 309 p. [In Russian] 6. Karsavin L. P. Malyye sochineniya [Small works]. St. Petersburg: Aletheia Publ., 1994. 532 p. [In Russian] 7. Klestov A. A. Perevod «Otkroveniy blazhennoy Andzhely» na russkiy yazyk, vypolnennyy L. P. Karsavinym, i yego znacheniye [Translation of the "Revelations of Blessed Angela" into Russian by L. P. Karsavin and its meaning]. Filosofskiy polilog: zhurnal Mezhdunar. tsentra izucheniya russkoy filosofii [Philosophical polylogue: journal of the International Center for the Study of Russian Philosophy]. Issue 3. 2018. Pp. 102-124. [In Russian] 8. Tynyanov Yu. N. Ob illyustratsii [On illustration]. Poetika. Istoriya literatury. Kino. [Poetics. Literary history. Cinema.]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1977. Pp. 310-319. [In Russian] 9. Kaunda C. J. ‘The Ngabwe Covenant’ and The Search for an African Theology of Eco-Pneumato-Relational Way of Being in Zambia. Religions. Issue 6. Vol. 11. 2020. 275 p.