Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1 (37). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (37), март 2021 г. 34 25. Mertsalov V. L. Logika antropogeneza: proiskhozhdeniye cheloveka (yeshche ne zaversheno). [The logic of anthropogenesis: the origin of man (not yet complete)]. St. Petersburg: Aletheia Publ., 2008. 296 p. [In Russian] 26. Nesturkh M. F. Proiskhozhdeniye cheloveka [The origin of man]. Exec. ed. prof. Ya.Ya. Roginsky. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR Publ., 1958. 388 p. [In Russian] 27. Okladnikov A. P. Problemy genezisa religioznoy formy soznaniya v svete sovremennykh otkrytiy arkheologicheskoy nauki [Issues of the genesis of the religious form of consciousness in the light of modern discoveries of archaeological science]. Voprosy nauchnogo ateizma. Issue 20. Moscow: Mysl Publ., 1976. Pp. 30- 42. [In Russian] 28. Okhotniki, sobirateli, rybolovy [Hunters, gatherers, fishermen]. Leningrad: Nauka Publ., 1972. 288 p. [In Russian] 29. Porshnev B. F. Materializm i idealizm v voprosakh stanovleniya cheloveka [Materialism and idealism in questions of the formation of man]. Voprosy filosofii. Issue 5. 1955. Pp. 143-156. [In Russian] 30. Porshnev B. F. O nachale chelovecheskoy istorii (problemy paleopsikhologii) [On the Beginning of Human History. (Problems of Paleopsychology)]. Moscow: Mysl Publ., 1974. 487 p. [In Russian] 31. Porshnev B. F. O nachale chelovecheskoy istorii (problemy paleopsikhologii) 2-ye izd. [On the Beginning of Human History. (Problems of Paleopsychology) 2 nd ed.]. Moscow: Feri-V Publ., 2006. 635 p. [In Russian] 32. Porshnev B. F. O nachale chelovecheskoy istorii (problemy paleopsikhologii) [On the Beginning of Human History. (Problems of Paleopsychology)]. Scientific. ed. O. T. Vite. St. Petersburg: Aletheia Publ., 2007. 720 p. [In Russian] 33. Priroda i drevniy chelovek. Osnovnyye etapy razvitiya prirody, paleoliticheskogo cheloveka i yego kul'tury na territorii SSSR v pleystotsene) [Nature and ancient man. The main stages of the development of nature, Paleolithic man and his culture on the territory of the USSR in the Pleistocene)]. Moscow: Mysl Publ., 1981. 223 p. [In Russian] 34. Proiskhozhdeniye cheloveka i drevneye rasseleniye chelovechestva: sb. Statey [The origin of man and the ancient settlement of mankind: a collection of articles]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR Publ., 1951. 540 p. [In Russian] 35. Rimsky V. P. K probleme genezisa religii [On the issue of the genesis of religion]. Izvestiya Severo-Kavkazskogo nauchnogo tsentra vysshey shkoly. Obshchestvennyye nauki. Issue 1. 1983. Pp. 55-60. [In Russian] 36. Rimskiy V. P. Problema sootnosheniya mifa i religii (metodologicheskiy analiz) [The issue of the relationship between myth and religion (methodological analysis)] diss. … kand. filos. nauk [Thes. ... Cand. Philos. Sciences]. 09.00.01 / Rimsky Victor Pavlovich. Rostov-on-Don, 1985.200 p. [In Russian] 37. Rimsky V. P. Demony na pereput'ye: kul'turno-istoricheskiy obraz totalitarizma [Demons at the Crossroad: Cultural and Historical Image of Totalitarianism]. Belgorod: Izdatel'stvo BelGU Publ., 1997. 199 p. [In Russian]