Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1 (37). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (37), март 2021 г. 170 of the Republic of Crimea]. Rossiyskiye tyurki: istoriya i sovremennost' [Russian Turks: history and modernity]. 2018. Pp. 104-107. [In Russian] 2. Botnaresku A. G. Gastronomiya kak perspektivnoye napravleniye razvitiya turizma Arkhangel'skoy oblasti [Gastronomy as a perspective direction of tourism development in Arkhangelsk region]. Materialy I Vserossiyskoy nauchno- prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Materials of the 1 st All- Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation]. 2015. 357 p. [In Russian] 3. Vazhenina I. S., Vazhenin S. G. Imidzh, reputatsiya i brend territorii [Image, reputation and brand of territory]. EKO Publ., Issue 7. 2008. Pp. 154-163. [In Russian] 4. Zhelezova O. R. Etnicheskiy gastronomicheskiy turizm, yego rol' v sokhranenii natsional'noy kul'tury i samobytnosti narodov [Ethnic gastronomic tourism, its role in preserving the national culture and identity of peoples]. Molodoy uchenyy. Issue 5 (52). 2013. Pp. 855-858. [In Russian] 5. Kushcheva N. B., Bednyayeva T. V. Gastronomicheskiy turizm kak perspektivnyy vid razvitiya regionov Rossii [Gastronomic tourism as a perspective direction of economic development of Russian regions]. Sovremennyye issledovaniya sotsial'nykh problem [Modern Studies of Social Issues]. Issue 12 (44). 2014. Pp. 207- 217. [In Russian] 6. Nekhayeva N. Ye., Terekhova YU. S. Gastronomicheskiy turizm kak perspektivnoye napravleniye razvitiya regionov Rossii [Gastronomic tourism as a perspective direction of the development in regions of Russia]. Yestestvennyye i matematicheskiye nauki v sovremennom mire. Issue 34. 2015. Pp. 82-87. [In Russian] 7. Nechitaylo D. S. Gosudarstvennaya kul'turnaya politika Respubliki Krym [State cultural policy of the Republic of Crimea]. Sovremennyye nauchnyye issledovaniya i innovatsii [Modern scientific researches and innovations]. Issue 2. 2018. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2018/02/85942 (accessed: 04 February 2021). [In Russian] 8. Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki [Federal State Statistics Service]. URL: http://crimea.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/crimea/ru/ (accessed: 21 February 2021). [In Russian] 9. Fedorchenko Yu. N. Predposylki razvitiya gastronomicheskogo turizma v Krymu [Prerequisite development gastronomic tourism in Crimea]. Sovremennyye nauchnyye issledovaniya i innovatsii [Modern scientific researches and innovations]. 2017. Pp. 232-240. [In Russian] 10. Cheglazova M. Ye. Gastronomicheskiy turizm – izyuminka kul'turno- poznavatel'nogo turizma v Krymu [Gastronomic tourism can be the highlight of cultural tourism in the Crimea]. Prioritetnyye napravleniya i problemy razvitiya vnutrennego i mezhdunarodnogo turizma v Rossii. Simferopol: Arial Publ., 2018. Pp. 204-207. [In Russian]