Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1 (37). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (37), март 2021 г. 160 8. Internet-interv'yu V. I. Sakharova R. V. Shizhenskomu ot 03.12.2019 [Internet interview of V. I. Sakharov to R. V. Shizhensky dated 03.12.2019]. Personal archive of the author. [In Russian] 9. Sakharov V. I. Vedun [Witcher]. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf publ, 2016. 319 p. [In Russian] 10. Kuznetsov M. Pravoslaviye i neoyazychestvo. Voprosy i otvety [Orthodoxy and Neo-Paganism. Questions and answers]. Ryazan: Gideon publ, 2020. 28 p. [In Russian] 11. Kazakov V. Rodnoveriye v tsifrakh [Rodnoverie in numbers]. Rodnoverie. 2019. Issue 1 (14). P. 63. [In Russian] 12. Khronologiya drevneyshikh letopisnykh sobytiy [Chronology of the oldest chronicle events] [Electronic resource]. Tartariya. Uznay svoyo naslediye [Tartary. Discover your heritage]: a website. URL: https://tartaria.name/hronologiya- drevnejshih-letopisnyh-so/ (accessed: 15 January 2020). [In Russian] 13. Rudnev G. Noch' Svaroga ili Lyutaya epokha [The night of Svarog or the Fierce Epoch] [Electronic resource]. Yandex Zen. Date of placement: 10.12.2019. URL: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d2f3d04c49f2900aef43f50/noch- svaroga-ili-liutaia-epoha-5dd68274d8a5147cefe9a2ce (accessed: 13 January 2021). [In Russian] 14. Ofitsial'noye zayavleniye Kruga Yazycheskoy Traditsii i Soyuza Slavyanskikh Obshchin Slavyanskoy Rodnoy Very ot 25 dekabrya 2009 goda «O podmenakh ponyatiy v yazyke i istorii slavyan i o psevdoyazychestve» [Official statement of the Circle of Pagan Tradition and the Union of Slavic Communities of the Slavic Native Faith of December 25, 2009 "On the substitution of concepts in the language and history of the Slavs and on pseudo-paganism"] [Electronic resource]. Soyuz Slavyanskikh Obshchin Slavyanskoy Rodnoy Very [Union of Slavic Communities of the Slavic Native Faith]: website. URL: https://www.rodnovery.ru/dokumenty/o-podmenakh-ponyatij (accessed: 16 January 2020). [In Russian] 15. Otkrytoye pis'mo uchenym-religiovedam Rossii [Open letter to Russian religious studies scholars] [Electronic resource] SVARTE ASKE – Tyomnyy Yasen'. Bezdna. Votan.Traditsiya [SVARTE ASKE – Dark Ash. Abyss. Wodan. Tradition]: website. URL: http://askrsvarte.org/blog/open_letter_religio/ (accessed: 16 January 2020). [In Russian] 16. Magician Veleslav. Solntse geroyev (severnyy dnevnik) [The Sun of Heroes (Northern diary)]. Moscow: Institute of General Humanitarian Research publ, 2013. 297 p. [In Russian] 17. Sakharov V. I. Bol'shoy pogrom [Big bashing]. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf publ, 2016. 351 p. [In Russian] 18. Sakharov V. I. Severnaya voyna [The Northern War]. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf publ, 2016. 286 p. [In Russian] 19. Velimir, Veleslav, Vlasov. Put' Volkhva [The way of the Magician]. Donetsk: Kashtan publ, 2007. 1228 p. [In Russian]