Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1 (37). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (37), март 2021 г. 124 5. Guattari P.-F., Deleuze G. Chto takoye filosofiya? [What is Philosophy?]. Trans. from French by S. N. Zenkin, Moscow: In-t eksperim. sotsiologii publ ; St. Petersburg: Aleteya publ, 1998. 286 p. [In Russian] 6. Hegel G. V. F. Entsiklopediya filosofskikh nauk [Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences]. Vol. 1. Nauka logiki [Science of Logic]. Moscow: Mysl publ, 1974. 452 p. [In Russian] 7. Deleuze G. Razlichiye i povtoreniye [Difference and Repetition]. Ed. by N. B. Mankovskaya; trans. from French by N. B. Mankovskaya and E. P. Yurovskaya. St. Petersburg: Petropolis publ, 1998. 384 p. [In Russian] 8. Descartes R. Sochineniya v 2 t. [Essays in 2 vols]. Vol. 1: Pervonachala filosofii [The Origins of philosophy]. Moscow: Mysl publ, 1989. 654 p. [in Russian] 9. Lévi-Strauss C. Pervobytnoye myshleniye [The Savage Mind]. Moscow: Respublika publ, 1999. 385 p. [In Russian] 10. Nagoy F. N. Postmodernizm i «nostal'giya» po klassicheskomu yedinstvu mira: problemy razvitiya sovremennoy filosofii [Postmodernism and "nostalgia" for the classical unity of the world: challenges of the modern philosophy development]. Aktual'nyye problemy gumanitarnykh i yestestvennykh nauk. 2015. No 3-3. Pp. 81-84. [In Russian] 11. Nagoy F. N. Teorii tsennostey i problema tselostnosti mirovozzreniya lichnosti [Theories of values and problem of integrity of the person's world view]. Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta. Seriya Filosofia Psikhologiya Sotsiologiya [Perm University Herald. Series “Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology.” 2017. No. 1(29). Pp. 20-28. [In Russian] 12. Rybakov B. A. Yazychestvo drevnikh slavyan [The paganism of the ancient Slavs]. Moscow: Nauka publ, 1994. 608 p. [In Russian] 13. Slovar' slavyanskoy mifologii [Dictionary of Slavic Mythology]. Author and comp. V. V. Adamchik. Minsk: Harvest publ, 2010. 640 p. [In Russian] 14. de Saint-Exupery A. Tsitadel [The Wisdom of the Sands=Citadelle]. Trans. from French by M. Yu. Kozhevnikova. Moscow: Eksmo publ, 2017. 352 p. [In Russian] 15. Serebrennikov B. A. Yazyk otrazhayet deystvitel'nost' ili vyrazhayet yeyo znakovym sposobom? [Does language reflect reality or express it in a symbolic way?]. Rol' chelovecheskogo faktora v yazyke: yazyk i kartina mira [The role of the human factor in language: language and the picture of the world]. Moscow: Nauka publ, 1988. Pp. 70-86. [In Russian] 16. Heidegger M. Bytiye i vremya [Being and time]. Moscow: Respublika publ, 1993. 447 p. [In Russian] 17. Schopenhauer A. Mir kak volya i predstavleniye [The world as will and representation]. Minsk: Sovr. slovo publ, 1998. 1450 p. [In Russian] 18. Foucault M. Slova i veshchi. Arkheologiya gumanitarnykh nauk [The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences]. St. Petersburg: A-cad publ, 1994. 408 p. [In Russian] 19. Eco U. Otkrytoye proizvedeniye [The Open Work]. Trans. from Italian by А. Shurbelev. Moscow: Akadem. proekt publ, 2004. 384 p. [In Russian]