Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1 (37). 2021 г
Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (37), март 2021 г. 102 21. Ницше Ф. Веселая наука // Соч. В 2 т. Т. 1. М.: Мысль, 1990. С. 491- 719. References 1. Karpov V. Kontseptual'nyye osnovy teorii desekulyarizatsii [The conceptual foundations of the desecularization theory]. Gosudarstvo, religiya, tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom [State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide]. Issue 2 (30). 2012. Pp. 114-164. [In Russian] 2. Taylor Ch. Секулярна доба. Книга перша [The Secular Day. Book One] transl. from English. Kiev: ДУХ І ЛІТЕРА Publ., 2013. 664 p. [In Russian] 3. Секуляризація. Європейський словник філософій: Лексикон неперекладностей [European Vocabulary of Philosophy]. Ed. by B. Kassen. Kiev: ДУХ І ЛІТЕРА Publ., Vol. 3. 2013. Pp. 207-211. [In Russian] 4. Caputo J. Kak sekulyarnyy mir stal postsekulyarnym [How the secular world became post-secular]. Logos. Issue 3. 2011. Pp. 186-205. [In Russian] 5. Descartes R. Rassuzhdeniye o metode [Discourse on the method]. Sochineniya [Works]. St. Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 1992. Pp. 93-131. [In Russian] 6. Descartes R. Razmyshleniya o pervoy filosofii, v koikh dokazyvayetsya sushchestvovaniye Boga i razlichiya mezhdu chelovecheskoy dushoy i telom [Meditations on First Philosophy, in which the existence of God and the distinction between the human soul and the body are demonstrated]. Sochineniya [Works]. St. Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 1992. Pp. 132-185. [In Russian] 7. Beaufret J. Dialog s Khaydeggerom. Priblizheniye k Khaydeggeru. Kniga 3 [Dialogue with Heidegger. Approaching Heidegger. Book 3]. St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dahl Publ., 2009. 358 p. [In Russian] 8. Leibniz G.-W. Monadologiya [Monadology]. Sochineniya. V 4 tomakh. Tom 1 [Works. In 4 volumes. Vol. 1]. Moscow: Mysl Publ., 1982. Pp. 413-429. [In Russian] 9. Heidegger M. Vvedeniye v metafiziku [Introduction to Metaphysics]. St. Petersburg: Vysshaya religiozno-filosofskaya shkola Publ., 1997. 301 p. [In Russian] 10. Jaspers K. Kant: Zhizn', trudy, vliyaniye [Kant: Life, Works, Influence]. Transl. by A. K. Sudakov. Moscow: Kanon+ Publ.: Reabilitatsiya Publ., 2014. 416 p. [In Russian] 11. Kant I. Kritika prakticheskogo razuma [Critique of Practical Reason]. Sochineniya: na nemetskom i russkom yazykakh. Tom 3 [Works: in German and Russian. Vol. 3]. Moscow: Moskovskiy filosofskiy fond Publ., 1997. 784 p. [In Russian] 12. Kant I. Religiya v predelakh tol'ko razuma [Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone]. Traktaty i pis'ma [Treatises and Letters]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1980. Pp. 78-278. [In Russian]
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