Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3 (35). 2020 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (35), ноябрь 2020 г. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS DOI 10.22405/2304-4772-2020-1-3 PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCE Nazarov V. N. To the 150th anniversary of the birth of I. A. Bunin . Night philosophy of I. Bunin: reflections on the mystery of life and death (experience of commentary on Bunin's essay "Night")…………5 Arinin E. I., Bendin A. Yu. Traditions of religious tolerance and toleran t attitudes of youth: the images of the "other", "variant" and "alien"…13 Kotliar P. S. Transparent media landscape: the issue of transformatio n of social practices……………………………………………….…..27 Lobanova N. I. Formation of the construction of reality in the process o f socialization of the individual (from a child to an adult)…………………………………………………………………34 METHODOLOGY AND METHODS OF TEACHING PHILOSOPHY AND PHILOSOPHICAL DISCIPLINES IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION OF EDUCATION Valeeva G. V. Experience in creation and implementation of the online course "Philosophy" at Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University……………………………………………………………46 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS OF PhD AND POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Ostapenko S. M. «Cultural conformity» of education in the digital age: scenarios and alternatives……………………………………………..55 Osokina O. V. The nature and essence of social conflicts in highe r education organizations……………………………………………….73 THEORY AND HISTORY OF CULTURE Alekseeva M. Yu., Sizova O. V. England: nation, nationalism, national i dentity (cultural analysis of the theories of primordialism, modernism and postmodernism)…………………………………………………..85 Gorbunova E. A., Mihailov A. A., Chervova A. A. Small (provincial) cities in the sociocultural space of Russia (on the example of Shuya , Ivanovo region)………………………………………………………104 Lytkin V. V., Kazakov D. A. The concept of culture in the philosophica l and anthropological views of K. N. Leontiev ……….........................113 Sanzhenakov A. A. Two types of cosmopolitanism and Socrates’s educational program…………………………………………………120 SCHOOL TEXTBOOK AS CULTURAL INFORMATION CODE Romashina E. Yu. The image of the capital as a metaphor for national i dentity: russian alphabet and primers of 1900-1925………………135 Open Science Week-festival «Just science!»………………………….155 Information about the authors…………………………………….157 The rules for submitting, reviewing, and publishing articles in scientific journal ‘Gumanitarnyye vedomosti TGPU im. L. N . Tolstogo’ (In Russian an d English)………………………………….………………….............159 GUMANITARNYYE VEDOMOSTI TGPU im. L. N. Tolstogo The scientific journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2191 of November 30, 2017. is included in the list of peer- reviewed scientific publications from the list of recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for philosophical sciences on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of Moscow State University dated May 24, 2019 (Protocol No. 5) for publications of faculty and graduate students in the following specialties: - 09.00.03-History of Philosophy -09.00.05-Ethics -09.00.14 – Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies - 24.00.01-Theory and History of Culture (philosophical sciences) Published 4 times a year Issue 3 (35) November 2020 Released on November 30, 2020 ________________ Editor in chief – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor E. D. Meleshko Founder – Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University. Mass media are registered in Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media on March 24, 2019. Registration certificate EL № FS 77 – 75297 Online ISSN 2304-4772 © Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 2020 © Authors of articles, 2020 __ ____________________ Address of the publisher and the editorial office: 300026, Tula, Lenin Prospekt, 125, Build. 4, room 332. Phone: 8 (4872) 65-74-37. E-mail address: gumved@tsput.ru