Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3 (35). 2020 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (35), ноябрь 2020 г. 154 sufficient. letter. works]. 3 rd ed. Moscow: I. F. Zhirkov Publ., 1904. 8, 124 p.: illustrated. 21. Nikitin P. Ya. «Klyuchik»: Bukvar' dlya obucheniya chteniyu ["A Key": Primer for teaching reading]. Comp. by P. Nikitin. Yekaterinodar: Tipo-lito-foto- tsinkografiya S. Kazarova, 1912. 29 p.: illustrated. 22. Novaya derevnya: Kn. dlya chteniya v I gruppe sel. shk. [New Village: A Book for Reading in Group 1 of a Village School]. Comp. by: V. I. Volynskaya, E. E. Solovyeva, A. M. Smirnova [et al.]. Moscow-Leningrad: Gos. izdatel'stvo Publ., 1925. 240 p.: illustrated. 23. Ovchinnikov I. S., Plyashkevich M. I. Russkaya azbuka i pervaya posle azbuki kniga dlya chteniya: 1 god obucheniya v nach. uchilishchakh (preimushchestvenno na okrainakh Imperii) [Russian alphabet and the first book for reading after the alphabet: 1 st year of study at the beginning. schools (mainly on the outskirts of the Empire)]. St. Petersburg: Brat'ya Bashmakovy Publ., 1905. [4], 91 p: illustrated. 24. Panov Vl. N., Sokolov N. I. Bukvar' «Okhota pushche nevoli»: Pochti samouchitel': Novyy legchayshiy put' k obucheniyu gramote i k obshchemu razvitiyu (samodeyatel'nosti, nablyudatel'nosti, tvorchestvu [!]) [Primer "A wish is greater than forcing": Almost a self-instruction book: A new easiest way to teaching literacy and general development (amateur performance, observation, creativity [!])]. Moscow: Tipografiya isdatel’stva I. D. Sytina, 1909. 72 p., illustrated. 25. Solovyeva E. E., Tikheeva E. I., Chulitskaya L. I. Russkaya gramota: Bukvar' [Russian literacy: Primer]. 2 nd ed. Moscow-Leningrad: Gos. izdatel'stvo Publ., 1925. 112 p.: illustrated. 26. Solovyeva E. E., Tsionglinskaya E. P. Razvitiye rechi: pis'm. i ust. uprazhneniya v izlozhenii mysli (s 9 kart.) [Speech Development: Written and Oral Presentation Exercises (with 9 flashcards)]. 2 nd ed. M.-Pg.: Gos. izdatel'stvo Publ. i Novaya Moskva Publ., 1923. 160 p.: illustrated. 27. Ushinsky K. D. Rodnoye slovo. God pervyy, Azbuka i pervaya posle azbuki kniga dlya chteniya s propisyami, obraztsami dlya pervonachal'noy risovki i kartinkami v tekste: dlya detey ml. vozrasta [Native Word. Year one, the ABC and the first after the ABC book for reading with prescriptions, samples for initial drawing and pictures in the text: for young children]. 148 th ed. St. Petersburg: N. S. Ushinskaya Publ., 1916. 4, 110 p.: illustrated. Статья поступила в редакцию 04.07.2020 Статья допущена к публикации 15.11.2020 The article was received by the editorial staff 04.07.2020 The article is approved for publication 15.11.2020