Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3 (35). 2020 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (35), ноябрь 2020 г. 103 century]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskiye vedomosti SPbGPU. Gumanitarnyye i obshchestvennyye nauki. 2004. Issue 3. Pp. 19-28. [In Russian] 6. Repina L. P. Istoricheskaya nauka na rubezhe XX-XXI vv.: sotsial'nyye teorii i istoriograficheskaya praktika [HISTORY on the Edge of 20 th -21th Centuries: social theories and historiographical practice]. Moscow: Krug Publ., 2011. 560 p. [In Russian] 7. Smith A. Natsionalizm i modernizm: kriticheskiĭ obzor sovremennykh teoriĭ natsiĭ i natsionalizma [Nationalism and Modernism: A Critical Survey of Recent Theories of Nations and Nationalism]. Transl. from English by A. Smirnov, Y. Filippov, E. Zagashvili, I. Okuneva. Moscow: Praksis Publ., 2004. 464 p. [In Russian] 8. Stetskevich M. S. Antikatolitsizm i britanskoye natsional'noye samosoznaniye: problemy istoriografii [Anti-Catholicism and British National Identity: Problems of Historiography]. Trudy kafedry istorii Novogo i noveyshego vremeni [Transactions of the Chair of Modern and Current History]. 2011. Issue 7. Pp. 156-164. [In Russian] 9. Hobsbawm E. Izobreteniye traditsiy [The invention of tradition]. Vestnik Yevrazii [Acta Eurasica]. 2000. Issue 1. Pp. 47-62. [In Russian] 10. Chemyakin E.Yu. Postkolonial'nye issledovaniya» kak istoriko- kul'turnyy fenomen vtoroy poloviny XX v. [Postcolonial Studies "as a historical and cultural phenomenon of the second half of XX century] avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk [Abstract of Cand. Thes. ... Cand. Hist. Sciences : 07.00.03 ]. Chemyakin Evgeny Yurievich. Ekaterinburg: 2012. Pp. 1-19 [in Russian] 11. Billing M. Banal Nationalism. London: SAGE Publications, 1995. 200 p. 12. Hutchinson J. Warfare, Remembrance and National Identity. Nationalism and Ethnosymbolism. History, Culture and Ethnicity in the Formation of Nations. Ed. by A. S. Leoussi, S. Grosby. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, 2007. 13. The Invention of tradition. Ed. by Eric Hobsbaum and Terence Ranger. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983. 320 p. 14. Scuira Leonardo. Brexit beyond borders: beginning of the EU collapse and return to nationalism. Journal of International affairs. 2017. Vol. 70, no. 2. Pp. 109‒125. 15. Smith A. D. Ethno-symbolism and Nationalism: A Cultural Approach. New York: Routledge, 2009. 184 p. Статья поступила в редакцию 01.11.2020 Статья допущена к публикации 15.11.2020 The article was received by the editorial staff 01.11.2020 The article is approved for publication 15.11.2020