Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(33). 2020 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (33), июль 2020 г. 212 compiled by Bar. N. A. Korf. 11th ed. St. Petersburg: Typ. «Obshchestvennaya pol'za ["Public benefit"]», 1882. 228 p. 2. Korff N. A. Rukovodstvo k «Nashemu drugu» [Manual to the ‘Our Friend’]: kniga dlya uchashchikh / N. A. Korff. St. Petersburg: Typ. M. A. Hahn, 1881. II, 190 [2] p .: ill. 3. Ushinsky K. D. Detskiy mir i khrestomatiya: kn. dlya klass. chteniya, prisposobl. K postepen. umstv. Uprazhneniyam i naglyad. znakomstvu s predmetami prirody: dlya pervykh 4-kh kl. gimnaziy i uyezd. uchilishch: v 2-kh ch. [Children’s World] / K. Ushinskiy. Ed. 2nd, rev. and ext. St. Petersburg, 1861. Part 1. 222 p. Sec. pag., 3 ill. sheets. 4. Ushinsky K. D. Rodnoye slovo: dlya detey ml. vozrasta [ Native Word ]. God 2-y: vtoraya posle azbuki kn. Dlya chteniya s kartinkami v tekste [Year 2: the second book after the alphabet for reading with pictures in the text] / K. D. Ushinsky. 6th ed. SPb.: Typ. of F.S. Sushchinsky, 1869. 165, IV s.: il. 5. Ushinsky K. D. Rodnoy eslovo: dlya detey ml. vozrasta [ Native Word ]. God 2-y: vtoraya posle azbuki kn. Dlya chteniya [Year 2: the second book after the alphabet for reading] / K. Ushinsky. 94th. ed. St. Petersburg, 1898. 188, IV p.: ill. 6. Harder Frederick Rukovodstvo k naglyadnomu obucheniyu: Per. Dlya sem'i, narodnoy shkoly i real'nogo uchilishcha baronom N. A. Korffom [Guide to visual learning: Trans. for family, public school and real school by Bar. N. A. Korff]. Parts 1-2 / [Sochineniya [Works by]] F. Harder. Moscow: Bro. Salayev, 1875-1878. Part 2. Moscow: F. I. Salayev 1878. 7. Ahier John Industry, Children and the Nation: Analysis of National Identity in School Textbooks. London: Falmer Press Ltd, 1988. 215p. 8. Chambers William & Robert. The Moral Class-Book. Edinburgh: William and Robert Chambers, 1847. X, 168 p. 9. Education Space and Urban Planning. Education as a Component of the City / Million, Angela, Heinrich, Anna Juliane, Coelen, Thomas (Eds.). Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), 2017. 347 p. 10. Elson Ruth Miller Guardians Tradition. American Schoolbooks of the Nineteenth Century. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1966 (paperback 1964). Part 1. 62p. 11. Ford Derek Education and the Prodacion of Space. Political Pedagogy, Geography, and Urban Revolution. New York and London: Routledg, 2017. 135 p. 12. Harder Friedrich. Theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch für den Anschauungsunterricht. Hamburg: Hammerich Altona,1858. 13. Hughes Edward Reading’s Lessons. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. First Book. 1855. 446 p.; Second Book. 1855. VIII, 431 p.; Third Book. 1856. VIII, 430 p.; Fourth Book. 1858. VIII, 454 p. 14. Lauckhard Carl Friedrich. Orbispictus. BilderbuchzurAnschauung und Belehrung. Bd. 1. Leipzig, 1857. 148, XXX s. 15. Lauckhard, Carl Friedrich. Orbispictus. BilderbuchzurAnschauung und Belehrung. Bd. 2. Leipzig, 1860. IV, 204, XXIX s.