Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(33). 2020 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (33), июль 2020 г. 207 Fig. 13. Ushinsky K. Native Word , 1898. P. 84. The same we see in the Korff’s manual ‘Our Friend’. From the first till the eighth editions there was no special unit(s) for the urban topic. The textbooks were planned mostly for village schools with rustic agricultural and craft interests of their pupils. Urban idea was discussed through the manual in a latent way. Pupils read about capitals as mostly real ‘cities’ in the whole Russian Empire, about villages as more healthy and preference places to live in, about provincial cities and towns as even not deserving of their own names and deserving only to speak about their few functions for the state. There was no any discussion about urban way of life as it was. The ninth and following editions of the ‘Our Friend’ showed crucial changes. In the book for village schools the urban topic began to discuss. In contrary with German colleagues, Korff didn’t speak about the town as a notion but about the nine concrete cities in this or that way important for Russia. Texts and drawings were not placed in a textbook, but in a teacher’s manual - as additional materials for the children development. Information on history and geography (including cities) was called "Homeland Studies" [2, с. 13]