Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(33). 2020 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (33), июль 2020 г. 205 Fig. 11 . Korff N. Our Friend , 1882. P. 24. Ushinsky’s schoolbooks emerged when the Russian Empirebegan to leaveitsmedieval feudal structures. The range of city images in the first of his books reflected this transition. It exhibits both traditional and modernizing features speaking both about European and Russian cities. In the manual "Children's World" ( Detsky Mir , 1861) the city theme was presented only in texts, but not in images. In the "Native words" ( Rodnoe Slowo , 1869) there were both of them. The images of small English trade towns along the Thames, the picture of London, taken from German colleagues, texts about Kiev, Moscow, and St.Petersburg, of provincial towns and cities, of villages and hamlets, of roads that connected and at the same time dividedthese localitiescreated a spectrum of variants ranging from entirely ruralto the overwhelminglyurban in capital city. Symbolic functions were alternatively assigned to such city features as churches and cathedrals, palaces and courts as seats of authority and the function of a city as a transportation and literacy hub. The "Native words" had got the abstract description of the city, which was borrowed from the German elementary school textbook and did not meet other parts of Russian editions. We would like to say that we could recognize a little bit dichotomies between the real urban cognition and its textual image, which had been borrowed from the German sources and paradigms. Город В каждом уезде сёл и деревень много, а уездный город один. В городе деревянные или каменные дома крыты тёсом или железом: нет ни гумен, ни овинов, а магазины да лавки; между домами не плетни, а заборы или хорошие решётки. В большом городе улицы мощёны камнем, а по бокам улиц - тротуары. В городе несколько площадей, улиц и переулков. На улицах попадаются навстречу дрожки, кареты, коляски, а зимой - городские сани. Церквей в городе несколько, и одна называется соборной. Жители города занимаются ремёслами, торговлей и службой. Вокруг иных городов много фабрик, простых и паровых с высокими трубами [3, с. 84] Town