Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(33). 2020 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (33), июль 2020 г. 200 Fig. 4. Lauckhard C. Orbis pictus. Bilderbuch zur Anschauung und Belehrung, 1857. S. XX. We investigated a group of German-language textbooks of such kind printed circa the middle of the 19 th century and used by Russian authors in the second half of that century. Three central figures in the group are Carl Lauckhard, Ignaz Scherr and Friedrich Harder. It would not be a bad idea to follow them looking at the illustrations and reading the depictions in their textbooks. You can see the pictures from the ‘Orbis pictus’ compiled by Carl Lauckhard. These texts were written by him, Ignaz Scherr and Friedrich Harder. Bei einer Stadt unterscheidet man: Viele Wohnhäuser, Thürme, Thore, Straßen, Gassen, Plätze; das Rathaus, Schulhäuser, das Waisenhaus, den Spital, Kasernen, Gasthöse, Kaufläden, Gefängnisse, Brunnen, Gärten, Anlagen, Magazine, Stallungen, Remisen, Wasserleitungen, Brücken, Mauern, Höse, Gottesäcker, Mühlen, Fabriken, Werkstätten; auch etwa Wälle, Gräben, Schanzen, Ringmauern [22, s. 63]. Any city is divided into: many residential buildings, towers, gates, streets, alleys, squares; the town hall, school buildings, the orphanage, the hospital, military barracks, guesthouses, shops, prisons, fountains, gardens, enclosures, stocks, stables, coach houses, water pipes, bridges, walls, moats, cemeteries, mills, factories, workshops; also, for example, ramparts, channels, redoubts, ring/circular/curtain walls. Carl Friedrich Lauckhard (1813-1876) was a teacher in Stadtknabenschule in Darmstadt and then a senior teacher in Weimar. His “Orbispictus. BilderbuchzurAnschauung und Belehrung / Orbispictus. Picture book for looking and learning” was popular and reprinted many times since 1857. Like Comenius he arranged his book bytopics, and two of them were devoted to city and everyday life in it. In each chapter he put the textual depictions of the visuals printed in the manual and several narrative plots. Two chapters were about what city was and how people