Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3(31) 2019 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (31), октябрь 2019 г. 87 References 1. Engagement und Indifferenz. Kirchenmitgliedschaftalssoziale Praxis. V. Erhebungder EKD über Kirchenmitgliedschaft. Online verfügbarüber // Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland: [site]. URL: http://www.ekd.de/EKD-Texte/kmu5_text.html (reference date: 21.07.2019). 2. Andreeva L. A., Andreeva L. K. Obshchestvenno-politicheskaya rol' RPTs v vospriyatii studenchestva [Social and political role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the perception of students] // Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological studies]. 2013. No. 10. P. 115-119. 3. Anketa pyatogo oprosa po chlenstvu v Yevangelicheskoy tserkvi Germanii [Questionnaire of the fifth survey on membership in the Evangelical Church of Germany] / transl. by E. V. Vorontsova // Obrazovatel'nyye proyekty i konstruirovaniye religioznoy tolerantnosti v regionakh Rossii [Educational projects and construction of religious tolerance in the Russian regions]: monograph / ed. by N.M. Markova; Vladimir State University. Vladimir, 2016. P. 244-268. 4. Arinin E. I. Religiovedeniye v XXI veke: “religiya” kak slovo i termin [Religious studies in the twenty-first century: “religion” as a word and a term]. Vladimir: Publishing House of Vladimir State University, 2014. 336 p. 5. Arinin E. I., Petrosyan D. I. Osobennosti religioznosti studentov [Features of religiosity of students] // Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological studies]. 2016. No. 6. P. 71-77. 6. V Germanii neplatel'shchikov tserkovnogo naloga budut otluchat' ot tserkvi [In Germany, church tax defaulters will excommunicate] // Lenta.ru. Sep 20, 2012. URL: https://lenta.ru/news/2012/09/20/katholiken/ (reference date: 21.07.2019). 7. Deputat bundestaga predlozhil vzimat' s musul'man religioznyy nalog [Bundestag deputy proposed to levy religious tax with Muslim] // Lenta.ru. 2016. April 20. URL: https://lenta.ru/news/2016/04/20/tax_on_religion/ (reference date: 21.07.2019). 8. Kargina I. G. Klyuchevyye trendy v izuchenii sovremennykh proyavleniy religioznosti [Key trends in the study of contemporary manifestations of religiosity] // Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological studies]. 2013. No. 6. P. 108-115. 9. Kolosov V. A., Pavlova T. I. K etimologii terminov “pravoslavnyy” i “pravoslaviye” [On the etymology of the terms “Orthodox” and “Orthodoxy”] // Credo Press: portal. January 5, 2009. URL: https://credo.press/99782/ (reference date: 21.07.2019). 10. Nemetskiy sud otkazalsya osvobodit' katolikov ot tserkovnogo naloga [German court refused to release the Catholics from the church tax] // Lenta.ru. April 5, 2010. URL: https://lenta.ru/news/2010/05/04/kirchensteuer/ (reference date: 21.07.2019).