Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3(31) 2019 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (31), октябрь 2019 г. 29 25. Stroitel' [Builder]. 1898. No. 13-14. Col. 540. 26. Petrov A. N. Buddiyskiy khram [Buddhist temple: historical background] [Manuscript]. Leningrad, 1999 // KGIOP Archive [Archive of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture]. N-1442. P. 1. 27. Andreev A. I. Khram Buddy v Severnoy stolitse [Buddha Temple in the northern capital]. Saint-Petersburg: Nartang, 2012. 207 p. 28. Andreev A. I. Khram Buddy v Severnoy stolitse [Buddha Temple in the northern capital]. Saint-Petersburg: Nartang, 2012. 207 p. 29. Andreev A. I. Khram Buddy v Severnoy stolitse [Buddha Temple in the northern capital]. Saint-Petersburg: Nartang, 2012. 207 p. 30. Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA). Fund 821. Ser. 133. F. 448 (1908). Sh.1. 31. Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA). Fund 1102. Ser. 2. F. 110. Sh.1-10. 32. TsGIA SPb [Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg]. Fund 256. Ser. 29. F. 29. Sh.1. 33. Petrov A. N. Buddiyskiy khram [Buddhist temple: historical background] [Manuscript]. Leningrad, 1999 // KGIOP Archive [Archive of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture]. N-1442. P. 2. 34. SPbB ARAS. Fund 4. Ser. 22. F. 72. Sh. 105. Sh. 1-14. 35. Andreev A. I. Khram Buddy v Severnoy stolitse [Buddha Temple in the northern capital]. Saint-Petersburg: Nartang, 2012. 207 p. 36. Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA). Fund 821. Ser. 148. F. 84. 1909. Sh. 52. 37. Petrov A. N. Buddiyskiy khram [Buddhist temple: historical background] [Manuscript]. Leningrad, 1999 // KGIOP Archive [Archive of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture]. N-1442. P. 6. 38. Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA). Fund 821. Ser. 148. F. 84. 39. Andreev A. I. Khram Buddy v Severnoy stolitse [Buddha Temple in the northern capital]. Saint-Petersburg: Nartang, 2012. 207 p. 40. Andreev A. I. Khram Buddy v Severnoy stolitse [Buddha Temple in the northern capital]. Saint-Petersburg: Nartang, 2012. 207 p. 41. Konfessional'nyy sostav Leningradskoy oblasti [The confessional composition of the Leningrad region [Electronic resource] // Komitet po mestnomu samoupravleniyu, mezhnatsional'nym i mezhkonfessional'nym otnosheniyam Leningradskoy oblasti [Committee on local self-government, interethnic and interfaith relations of the Leningrad region]: official website. [SPb], 2019. URL: http://msu.lenobl.ru/obshaya-informaciya/napravleniya-raboty/mezhnacionalnye-i- mezhkonfessionalnye-otnosheniya/konfessionalnyj-mir-leningradskoj-oblasti/ (reference date: 05.08.2019).