Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3(31) 2019 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (31), октябрь 2019 г. 28 11. Lavrent'ev I. N., Davidich T. F., Lopat'ko V. M. Tvorchestvo arkhitektora Nikolaya Vasil'yeva [Creativity of architect Nikolai Vasiliev] // Academia. Arkhitektura i stroitel'stvo [Architecture and construction]. 2017. No. 3. Pp. 37-48. 12. Lavrent'ev I. N., Davidich T. F., Lopat'ko V. M. Tvorchestvo arkhitektora Nikolaya Vasil'yeva [Creativity of architect Nikolai Vasiliev] // Academia. Arkhitektura i stroitel'stvo [Architecture and construction]. 2017. No. 3. Pp. 37-48. 13. Ikromov N. Issledovaniya N. I. Veselovskogo v Ashte [Research by N. I. Veselovsky in Asht] // Uchenyye zapiski Khudzhandskogo gos. un-ta im. Akademika B. Gafurova. Gumanitarnyye nauki [Scientific notes of Khujand State university named after Academician B. Gafurov. Humanities]. 2012. No. 5 (33). Pp. 121-128. 14. Istoriografiya obshchestvennykh nauk v Uzbekistane [Historiography of Social Sciences in Uzbekistan: Bibliogr. essays] / comp. by B. V. Lunin. Tashkent: Fan, 1974. 386 p. 15. Mecheti Samarkanda [Mosques in Samarkand]. Issue 1. Gur-Emir / Izd. Imperator. Arkheolog. Komissii publ. Saint-Petersburg: [expedition for storing state papers], 1905. 8 p. + 20 sheets with Il. 16. Vityazeva V. L. Sobornaya mechet' – pamyatnik peterburgskogo moderna [Cathedral Mosque – a monument of the St. Petersburg Art Nouveau] // Istoriya Peterburga [History of St. Petersburg]. 2002. No. 1 (5). Pp. 48-57. 17. Vityazeva V. L. Sobornaya mechet' – pamyatnik peterburgskogo moderna [Cathedral Mosque – a monument of the St. Petersburg Art Nouveau] // Istoriya Peterburga [History of St. Petersburg]. 2002. No. 1 (5). Pp. 48-57. 18. Etnokonfessional'nyy illyustrirovannyy atlas Leningradskoy oblasti [Ethnoconfessional illustrated Atlas of the Leningrad region] / M. A. Dokuchaeva (Gryaznova) [et al.]; ed. by А. А. Syrov [et al.]. Saint-Petersburg: Inkeri, 2017. 656 p. 19. Khramy Peterburga: spravochnik-putevoditel' [Temples of St. Petersburg: reference guide]. / Ed.and comp. by А. V. Bertash et al. Saint-Petersburg: LIK, 1992. 238 p. 20. Andreev A. I. Khram Buddy v Severnoy stolitse [Buddha Temple in the northern capital]. Saint-Petersburg: Nartang, 2012. 207 p. 21. Petrograd po perepisi naseleniya 15 dekabrya 1910 goda: naseleniye [Petrograd according to population census of December 15, 1910: population] / ed. by V. Stepanov. Petrograd: izdaniye Gorodskoy upravy po Statisticheskomu otdeleniyu [publication of the City Council on the Statistical Department], [191-]. Part 1, vol. 1. Pp. 269. 22. Andreev A. I. Khram Buddy v Severnoy stolitse [Buddha Temple in the northern capital]. Saint-Petersburg: Nartang, 2012. 207 p. 23. Balinov Sh. O knyazheskom rode Tundutovykh [About the princely family of the Tundutovs] // Kovyl'nyye volny [Feather-grass waves]. Paris, 1936. No. 13, 14. 24. Andreev A. I. Khram Buddy v Severnoy stolitse [Buddha Temple in the northern capital]. Saint-Petersburg: Nartang, 2012. 207 p.