Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 2(30) 2019 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (30), июнь 2019 г. 165 References 1. Guseynov A. A. Nravstvennaya filosofiya i etika [Moral Philosophy and Ethics]: Report of March 11, 2019. Moscow, 2019. 2. Guseynov A. A. Zakon i postupok [Law and Action] // Eticheskaya mysl' [Ethical thought]. 2001. Issue 2. P. 3-26. 3. Guseynov A. А. Tseli i tsennosti: kak vozmozhen moral'nyy postupok? [Goals and Values: How is Moral Action Possible?] // Eticheskaya mysl' [Ethical thought]. 2002. Issue 3. P. 3-26. 4. Guseynov A. А. Etika do Kanta i posle [Ethics before and after Kant] // Filosofiya - mysl' i postupok: Stat'i, doklady, lektsii, interv'yu [Philosophy - thought and deed: Articles, reports, lectures, interviews] / A. А. Guseynov. Saint Petersburg, 2012. P. 187-215.