Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(29) 2019 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (29), март 2019 г. 27 guidelines for the protection of human rights] / Moskovskaya Khel'sinskaya Gruppa [Moscow Helsinki Group]. Moscow, 1999. P. 22. 11. Davedyanov A. V. Veslianstvo [Wesleyanism] // Atlas sovremennoy religioznoy zhizni [Atlas of Modern Religious Life]. Saint Petersburg, 2006. Vol. 2. P. 141. 12. Informatsiya o zaregistrirovannykh nekommercheskikh organizatsiyakh [Information on registered non-profit organizations] // Informatsionnyy portal Ministerstva yustitsii Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Information portal of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation]. Moscow, 2009-2019. URL: http://unro.minjust.ru/NKOs.aspx (reference date: 2.01.2019). 13. Kalinnikov L. A. O «Spore fakul'tetov» kak itoge: professorsko- pedagogicheskom, filosofsko-mirovozzrencheskom, valeologo-diyeteticheskom [On the "Dispute of the faculties" as a result: professorial-pedagogical, philosophical, healthcare and dietary] // Spor fakul'tetov [Dispute of the faculties] / I. Kant; transl. from German by Ts. G. Arzakanyan, I. D. Koptsev, M. I. Levin; ed. by А. Kalinnikov. Kaliningrad, 2002. P. 5. 14. Kobyzov R.A. Denominatsiya [Denomination] // Religiovedeniye [Religious Studies]: Encyc. Dictionary / ed. by A.P. Zabiyako, A.N. Krasnikov, E.S. Elbakyan. Moscow, 2006. P. 282-283. 15. Mestnaya religioznaya organizatsiya Khristianskaya Yevangel'skaya Veslianskaya Tserkov' g. Vladimir [The local religious organization Christian Evangelical Wesleyan Church of Vladimir] // Religioznyye ob"yedineniya Vladimirskoy oblasti. Religioznyye organizatsii [Religious associations of the Vladimir region. Religious organizations]: Inf. handbook / ed. by V.N. Konstantinov, O.A. Semenova, L. А. Fevraleva. Vladimir, 2001. P. 61-63. 16. Müller F. M. Vvedeniye v nauku o religii: chetyre lektsii, prochitannyye v Londonskom Korolevskom institute v fevrale-marte 1870 goda [Introduction to the science of religion: four lectures given at the Royal Institute of London in February– March 1870] / trans., foreword. and comm. by Е. S. Elbakyan; under the General editorship of A. N. Krasnikov. Moscow, 2002. P. 11, 13, 20-21. 17. Müller F. M. Religiya kak predmet sravnitel'nogo izucheniya [Religion as a subject of comparative study] // Lektsii prof. Maksa Myullera [Lectures by prof. Max Muller] / transl. [from English] by A. M. Gilevich. Kharkiv: Publishing House of Adolf Darre, 1887. P. 1, 4, 10-12. 18. Novyye tserkvi, staryye veruyushchiye – staryye tserkvi, novyye veruyushchiye. Religiya v postsovetskoy Rossii [New churches, old believers – old churches, new believers. Religion in Post-Soviet Russia] / Ed.by Kimmo Kaariaynen and D.M. Furman. Moscow; Saint Petersburg: Letniy sad, 2007. P. 21-22. 19. O deyatel'nosti nekommercheskikh organizatsiy [On the activities of non-profit organizations] // Informatsionnyy portal Ministerstva yustitsii Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Information portal of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation]. Moscow, 2009-2019. URL: http://unro.minjust.ru/NKOs.aspx (reference date: 2.01.2019).