Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(29) 2019 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (29), март 2019 г. 108 URL: https://russian.rt.com/russia/news/335286-putin-granica-rossii (reference date: 6.03.2017). 23. Savitskiy P. N. Step' i osedlost' [The steppe and the sedentary life] // Na putyakh: Utverzhdeniye yevraziytsev [On the roads: Approval of Eurasians] / St. Peter Savitsky [etc.]. Moscow; Berlin: Gelikon, 1922. 24. Sinyakina E. G. Psikhologo-istoricheskaya rekonstruktsiya psikhologicheskikh kharakteristik russkogo krest'yanstva dorevolyutsionnogo perioda [Psychological and historical reconstruction of the psychological characteristics of the Russian peasantry in the pre-revolutionary period] // Istoriya otechestvennoy i mirovoy psikhologicheskoy mysli: Postigaya proshloye, ponimat' nastoyashcheye i predvidet' budushcheye [The history of domestic and world psychological thought: Comprehending the past, understand the present and foresee the future]. proceedings of the International Conf. on the history of psychology / ed. by L. Zhuravlev, V. А. Koltsova, Yu. N. Oleinik. Moscow: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2010. P. 593-604. 25. Solovyov V. Natsional'nyy vopros v Rossii [The national matter in Russia]. Moscow: AST Khranitel', 2007. 506 p. 26. Trubetskoy N. S. O turanskom elemente v russkoy kul'ture [On Turanian element in Russian culture] // Rossiya mezhdu Yevropoy i Aziyey: Yevraziyskiy soblazn [Russia between Europe and Asia: The Eurasian temptation]: anthology / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy. Moscow: Nauka, 1993. P. 58- 88. 27. Fedotov G. Svyatyye Drevney Rusi [Saints of Ancient Russia]. Moscow: Mosk. rabochiy, 1990. 269 p. 28. Frank S. L. Russkoye mirovozzreniye [Russian worldview]. Saint Petersburg: Nauka-SPb, 1996. 738 p. 29. Tsymburskiy V. L. Ostrov Rossiya. Geopoliticheskiye i khronopoliticheskiye raboty. 1993-2006 [Island of Russia. Geopolitical and chronopolitical papers. 1993-2006]. Moscow: ROSSPEN , 2007. 544 p. 30. Chaadayev P. Ya. Apologiya sumasshedshego [Apology of a Madman] // Biblioteka russkoy religiozno-filosofskoy i khudozhestvennoy literatury «Vekhi» [Library of the Russian religious-philosophical and fiction "Milestones"]: site. 2000- 2016. URL: www.vehi.net/chaadaev/apologiya.html (reference date: 6.03.2017). 31. Chaadayev P. Ya. Filosoficheskiye pis'ma [Philosophical Letters] // Biblioteka russkoy religiozno-filosofskoy i khudozhestvennoy literatury «Vekhi» [Library of the Russian religious-philosophical and fiction "Milestones"]: site. 2000- 2016. URL: http://www.vehi.net/chaadaev/filpisma.html (reference date: 6.03.2017). 32. Shukshin V. Kalina krasnaya: povesti i rasskazy [Red viburnum (Kalina Krasnaya): novels and short stories]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2000. 768 p. 33. Yurevich A. V. Strukturnyye elementy natsional'nogo mentaliteta [Structural elements of the national mentality] // Psikhologicheskiye issledovaniya [Psychological studies]: electronic scientific journal. 2013. Vol. 6, No. 29. URL: http://psystudy.ru/index.php/num/2013v6n29/837 (reference date: 6.03.2017). 34. Spady W. G. Outcome-Based Education: Critical Issues and Answers. Arlington: American Association of School Administrators, 1994. 212 p.