Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып 4 (28) 2018.
Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (28), декабрь 2018 г. 15 4. Atsamba F. M., Kirillina S. A. Koran [The Quran] // New Russian Encyclopedia. Vol. 8 (2). Moscow, 201. P. 343. 5. Atsamba F. M., Kirillina S. A. Koran [The Quran] // Religiovedeniye: entsikl. slovar' [Religious Studies: Encyc. dictionary]. Moscow, 2006. P. 547. 6. Atsamba F. M., Kirillina S. A. Koran [The Quran] // Entsiklopediya religiy [Encyclopedia of religions]. Moscow, 2008. Pp 701. 7. Gusterin P. V. Pervyy perevodchik i pervoye izdaniye Korana na russkom yazyke [The first translator and the first edition of the Quran in Russian] // Islamovedeniye [Islamic studies]. 2011. No 1. P. 84-92. 8. Gusterin P. V. Persidskiy pokhod Petra I i musul'manskiye narody [The Persian campaign of Peter I and the Muslim peoples] [Electronic resource] // Rossiya v kraskakh [Russia in colors]. Jerusalem, 2004-2015. URL: http://ricolor.org/history/mn/ptr/2_08_2013/ (reference date: 26.09.2018). 9. Dubrovskiy N. A. Polnyy tolkovyy slovar' vsekh obshcheupotrebitel'nykh inostrannykh slov, voshedshikh v russkiy yazyk, s ukazaniyem ikh korney [Full comprehensive dictionary of all commonly used foreign words included in the Russian language, with an indication of their roots]. Moscow: Izd. A.D. Stupina, 1914. P. 356. 10. Cantemir D. K. Kniga Sistima, ili Sostoyaniye mukhammedanskiya religii [The Book of Sistim, or the State of the Muhammadan religion] [Electronic resource] // Russkiy put': pro et contra [Russian way: pro et contra]. Saint Petersburg, 2018. URL: http://russianway.rhga.ru/upload/main/8 )%20%D0%94.%20%D0%9A.%20%D0%9 A%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80.pdf (reference date: 26.09.2018). 11. Kniga Sistima, ili Sostoyaniye mukhammedanskiya religii [The Book of Sistim, or the State of the Muhammadan religion] [Electronic resource] // Donskaya gosudarstvennaya publichnaya biblioteka [Don State Public Library]. Rostov-on- Don, 2000-2018. URL: https://vivaldi.dspl.ru/br0000078/view#page= 71 (reference date: 26.09.2018) 12. Koran [The Quran] // Bol'shaya sovetskaya entsiklopediya [The Great Soviet Encyclopedia]. Moscow, 1937. Vol. 34. Art. 253, 254, 255. 13. Maksimov Yu Otnosheniye k Islamu v dorevolyutsionnoy Rossii po trudam tserkovnykh avtorov [Attitude to Islam in pre-revolutionary Russia in the works of ecclesiastical writers]. Part 1 [Electronic resource] // Pravoslavie.ru: site. 1999-2008. URL: http://www.pravoslavie.ru/put/080714120052.htm (reference date: 26.09.2018) 14. Natsional'nyy korpus russkogo yazyka [National corpus of the Russian language] [Electronic resource]: information and reference system. 2003-2018. URL: http://www.ruscorpora.ru/ (reference date: 26.09.2018) 15. Saint John of Damascus, Rev. Istochnik znaniya [Source of knowledge] [Electronic resource] // Elektronnaya biblioteka Odintsovskogo Blagochiniya [Electronic Library of Odintsovo Provost] site. URL: http://www.odinblago.ru/damaskin_tvorenia1/5#2 (reference date: 26.09.2018)
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