Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып 3 (27) 2018. Т. 2.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (27), том 2, октябрь 2018 г. 74 Christian apologists of the 2nd-4th centuries: translations and research]. Moscow. Ladomir, 2000. P. 80-93. 3. Jaeger W. Paydeyya. Vospitaniye antichnogo greka [Paideia. Education of the ancient Greek]. Vol. 1 / trans. from German by А. I. Lyubzhin. Moscow: Greko- latinskiy kabinet Yu.A. Shichalina [Greco-Latin office of Yu. А. Shichalin, 2001. 594 p. 4. Kern K. E. (Archim. Cyprian). Patrologiya [Patrology]: lectures. Vol. I. Paris: Izd. Svyato-Sergiyev. bogoslov. in-ta, 1996. 140 p. 5. Panteleev A. D. Goneniya na khristian i imperatorskiy kul't po dannym agiograficheskoy traditsii [Persecutions of Christians and the imperial cult according to the hagiographic tradition] // Problemy istorii, filologii, kul'tury [Issues of history, philology, culture]. 2015. No. 3. P. 91-104. 6. Prikhod'ko M. A. Apologetika Iustina Filosofa i Tatiana Assiriytsa kak opyt samosoznaniya khristianskoy kul'tury [Apologetics of Justin the Philosopher and Tatiana the Assyrian as an experience of self-awareness of Christian culture]: diss. … kand. filos. nauk [Thes. ... Cand. Philos. Sciences]. Saint-Petersburg: SPbGU, 2014. 137 p. 7. Sagarda N.I., Sagarda A. I. Polnyy korpus lektsiy po patrologii [The complete corpus of lectures in Patrology]. Saint-Petersburg: Voskresen'ye, 2004. 1216 p. 8. Sidorov A. I. Kurs patrologii. Vozniknoveniye tserkovnoy pis'mennosti [Patrology Course. The emergence of Church written language]. Moscow: Russkiye ogni, 1996. 191 p. 9. Stolyarov A. А. Panetsiy [Panaetius] // Antichnaya filosofiya [Ancient Philosophy]: Encyc. Dictionary / ed. by P.P. Gaydenko. Moscow: Progress- Traditsiya, 2008. P. 539-542. 10. Taivan L. L. Antropologiya [Anthropology] // Pravoslavnaya entsiklopediya [Orthodox Encyclopedia]. Vol. 2. Moscow: Pravoslavnaya entsiklopediya, 2008. P. 700-709. 11. Barnard L. W. The Heresy of Tatian – Once Again // Архив научных журналов: site. 2013-2018. URL: http://arch.neicon.ru/xmlui/handle/123456789/1021286 (reference date: 28.07.2018). 12. Young F. Greek Apologists of the Second Century // Apologetics in the Roman Empire: Pagans, Jews, and Christians. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. P. 81-105. 13. Hunt E. J. Christianity in the Second Century. The Case of Tatian. London: Routledge, 2003. 253 p. 14. Falkenberg R. Tatian // Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity: In Defence of Christianity. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 2014. P. 67-81. 15. Fojtik J. E. Tatian the Barbarian // Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity: Continuity and Discontinuity in Early Christian Apologetics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 2009. P. 23-35. 16. Elze M. Tatian und seine Theologie. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & ruprecht. 1960. 137 p. Статья поступила в редакцию 10.08.2018 Статья допущена к публикации 30.09.2018