Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып 3 (27) 2018. Т. 2.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (27), том 2, октябрь 2018 г. 127 14. Neswald S. Rhetorical voices in the neidan tradition: an interdisciplinary analysis of the Nüdan hebian (pref. 1906) compiled by He Longxiang (fl. 1900— 1906), Ph.D. diss. Montreal : Department of East Asian Studies McGill University, 2007. 571 p. 15. Valussi E. The Nüdan hebian (Collection of Female Alchemy), Its Editor and His Women // Nannü: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China. 2008. Vol. X. P. 242-278. 16. Valussi E. Female Alchemy and Paratext: How to Read nüdan in a Historical Context // Asia Major. 2008. Vol. XXI, p. II. P. 153-193. 17. Valussi E. Blood, Tigers, Dragons: The Physiology of Transcendence for Women // IASTAM: Journal of Asian Medicine. 2008. Vol. IV, p. I. P. 46-85. 18. Ли Цуй-чжэнь. Чжань чилун яньцзю: даоцзяо юй тяньдицзяо цзинцзо сюлянь чжи бицзяо (Исследование метода «обезглавливания красного дракона»: сравнительный анализ созерцательных практик в даосизме и в учении Тяньдицзяо)») : дис. … магистра ; науч. рук. – проф. Ли Фэн-мао. Университет Наньхуа [Тайбэй], Минь го 96 [2007]. 150 с. 李翠珍 . 斬赤龍研究 — 道教與天帝教靜坐修煉之比較 : 碩士論文 . 指導教授為李豐楙 / 南華大學 . [ 台北 ], 民國 96 年 [2007]. 150 頁 . References 1. Belaya I. V. Predposylki rasprostraneniya ucheniya Sovershennoy istiny v Kitaye XII–XIII vv. [Prerequisites for the spread of the doctrine of Perfect truth in China in the 12th-13th centuries] // Nauch. vedomosti BelGU. Ser.: Filosofiya. Sotsiologiya. Pravo [Philosophy. Sociology. Law. 2010. Vol. 11, No 2 (73). P. 5-12. 2. Belaya I. V. «Nyuy dan' khe byan'» (Sobraniye rabot po zhenskoy alkhimii) ["Nü Dan He Bian" (Collection of the Works on the Female Alchemy)] // XLIII Scient. Conf. of China's department of the Institute of Oriental Studies. Moscow: RAS Institute of Oriental Studies, 2013. Part 1. P. 459-467. 3. Belaya I. V. On the Taoist practices for women in the "Important teachings on women's alchemy" (Nu Dan yao yang 女丹要言 ) // XLV scientific conf. of China's department of the Institute of Oriental Studies. Moscow: RAS Institute of Oriental Studies, 2015. Part 2. P. 143-162. 4. Torchinov E. А. Daosizm: opyt istoriko-religiovedcheskogo opisaniya [Taoism: experience of historical and religious description]. Saint-Petersburg: Lan', 1998. 448 p. 5. Puti obreteniya bessmertiya: daosizm v issledovaniyakh i perevodakh Ye. A. Torchinova [Ways to achieve immortality: Taoism in the research and translations by E. A. Torchinov]. Saint-Petersburg: Azbuka-Klassika, St. Petersburg. Oriental studies, 2007. 608 p. 6. Put' zolota i kinovari: daosskiye praktiki v issledovaniyakh i perevodakh Ye. A. Torchinova [The way of gold and cinnabar: Taoist practice in research and translations by E. А. Torchinov]. Saint-Petersburg: Azbuka-Klassika, St. Petersburg. Oriental studies, 2007. 480 p. 7. Filonov S. V. Ranniy daosizm: poisk metodologicheskoy tselostnosti [Early Taoism: the search for methodological integrity] // Religiovedeniye. 2009. No. 3. P. 56-69. 8. Filonov S. V. Vvedeniye v daologiyu [Introduction to Taology]: tutorial. Blagoveshchensk: Publishing house of the AmSU, 2010. 184 p.