Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып 3 (27) 2018. Т. 2.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (27), том 2, октябрь 2018 г. 109 2 Bromley Yu. V. Esteticheskiye funktsii kul'tury i etnografii [Aesthetic features of culture and ethnography] // Etnoznakovyye funktsii kul'tury [Ethnographic functions of culture] / Ed. by Acad. Yu.V. Bromley. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. P. 5-23. 3 Gorina G. S. Narodnyye traditsii v modelirovanii odezhdy [Folk traditions in clothing design]. Moscow: Lyogkaya industriya, 1974. 182 p. 4 Dintses L. A. Vostochnyye motivy v narodnom iskusstve Novgorodskogo kraya [Oriental motifs in the folk art of the Novgorod region] // Sovetskaya etnografiya [Soviet Ethnography]. 1946. No. 3. P. 93-112. 5 Ivanov S.V. Ornament narodov Sibiri kak istoricheskiy istochnik (po materialam XIX – nachala XX v.): Narody Severa i Dal'nego Vostoka ][Ornament of the peoples of Siberia as a historical source: (based on the 19th – early 20th centuries): Peoples of the North and the Far East]. Moscow; Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1963. 502 p. (Akad. of Sciences of the USSR. Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography named after N.N. Miklukho-Maclay. New ser.; vol. 81). 6 Izobrazitel'nyye motivy v russkoy narodnoy vyshivke. Muzey narodnogo iskusstva [Visual motifs in Russian folk embroidery. Folk Art Museum] / comp. by G. P. Durasov, G. A. Yakovleva; introd. art. by G. P. Durasov. Moscow: Sov. Rossiya, 1990. 320 p. 7 Kozhin P. M. O drevnikh ornamental'nykh sistemakh Yevrazii [On the ancient ornamental systems of Eurasia] // Etnoznakovyye funktsii kul'tury [Ethnological functions of culture] / resp. ed. Acad. Yu. V. Bromley. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. P. 129-152. 8 Lyutikova N. P. Krest'yanskiy kostyum Mezenskogo uyezda Arkhangel'skoy gubernii kontsa XIX – nachala XX veka v sobranii Arkhangel'skogo gosudarstvennogo muzeya derevyannogo zodchestva i narodnogo iskusstva «Malyye Korely» [Peasant garments of the Mezensky district of the Arkhangelsk province of the late XIX - early XX century in the collection of the Arkhangelsk State Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art "Malye Korely"]: catalog. Arkhangelsk, 2009. 329 p. 9 Maslova G. S. Ornament russkoy narodnoy vyshivki kak istoriko- etnograficheskiy istochnik [Ornament of Russian folk embroidery as a historical and ethnographic source]. Moscow: Nauka, 1978. 208 p. 10 Russkiye drevnosti v pamyatnikakh iskusstva izdavayemyye grafom I. Tolstym i N. Kondakovym [Russian antiquities in the monuments of art published by Count I. Tolstoy and N. Kondakov]. Issue 1. Klassicheskiye drevnosti yuzhnoy Rossii [Classical antiquities of southern Russia]. Saint-Petersburg, 1889. 128 p. 11 Russkoye narodnoye iskusstvo v sobranii Gosudarstvennogo Russkogo muzeya [Russian folk art in the collection of the State Russian Museum]: album / ed. and comp. by I. Ya. Boguslavskaya. Leningrad: Khud. RSFSR, 1984. 312 p. 12 Rybakov B. A. Yazychestvo drevnikh slavyan [The paganism of the ancient Slavs]. 2nd ed. Moscow: Nauka, 1994. 608 p. 13 Shmelyova M. P., Tazikhina L. V. Ukrasheniye russkoy krest'yanskoy odezhdy [Decoration of the Russian peasant clothes] // Russkiye: istoriko- etnograficheskiy atlas. Iz istorii russkogo narodnogo zhilishcha i kostyuma. Ukrasheniye krest'yanskikh domov i odezhdy (seredina XIX – nachalo XX v.) [Russians: Historical and ethnographic atlas. From the history of Russian national dwelling and costume. Decoration of peasant houses and clothes (mid 19th – early 20th centuries)] / ed. by А. Aleksandrov. Moscow: Nauka. 1970. 213 p.