Гуманитарные ведомости, выпуск 3 (27) 2018.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (27), том 1, октябрь 2018 г. 114 peasants in the USSR on materials exported to the West peasant archives. London: Overseas Publications Interchange LTD, 1983. 314 p. 26 Radzikhovskiy L. Pravda - i revolyutsiya [True - and the revolution] // Ros. gazeta. 2010. November 9th. 19. Rozanov V. V. Yeshche o gr. Tolstom i yego uchenii o neprotivlenii zlu [More about citizen Tolstoy and his doctrine of non-resistance to evil] [Elektronnyy resurs] // Literatura i zhizn' [Literature and life]: site. Moscow, 2008-2018. URL: http://dugward.ru/library/rozanov/rozanov_eche_o_gr_l_n_tolstom_i_ego_uchenii.ht ml (reference date: 29.05.2018) 27 Sedov M. G. P. L. Lavrov v revolyutsionnom dvizhenii Rossii [Lavrov in the revolutionary movement of Russia] // Voprosy istorii [Issues of history]. 1969. No. 3. Pp. 55-72. 28 Solovyov V. S. Tri razgovora o voyne, progresse i kontse vsemirnoy istorii [Three Conversations on War, Progress and the end of world history] // Sochineniya [Works]. In 2 vols. Moscow: Mysl', 1988. Vol. 2. Pp. 635-762. 29 Troitskiy K. Е. Soprotivleniye zlu siloyu Ivana Il'ina kak «dukhovnyy immoralizm» [Resistance to evil by the power of Ivan Ilyin as "spiritual immoralism"] // Voprosy filosofii [Issues of philosophy]. 2017. No. 2. Pp. 154-165. 30 Fateev V. A. Lev Tolstoy i revolyutsiya: «religioznaya» filosofiya s nigilisticheskoy podkladkoy [Leo Tolstoy and the Revolution: A “Religious” Philosophy with a Nihilistic Lining] // Khristianskoye chteniye [Christian Reading]. 2017. No. 2. Pp. 325-344. 31 Fedorov N. F. Chto takoye dobro? [What is good?] // L.N. Tolstoy: pro et contra. Saint-Petersburg: Publishing House of Rus. Christian Humanit. Inst., 2000 Pp. 188-191. Статья поступила в редакцию 16.06.2018 Статья допущена к публикации 30.09.2018 The article was received by the editorial staff 16.06.2018 The article is approved for publication 30.09.2018