Гуманитарные ведомости, выпуск 2 (26) 2018.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (26), июнь 2018 г. 41 10. Hitty Ph. Kratkaya istoriya Blizhnego Vostoka. Most trekh kontinentov [The Arabs: a short history]. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2012. 286 p. 11. Abu Ali Sina (Avicenna). Kanon vrachebnoy nauki [The Canon of Medicine]. In 5 vols. Tashkent: Fan, 1979-1982. 12. Siluyanova I. V. Etika vrachevaniya: sovremennaya meditsina i pravoslaviye [Ethics of healing: modern medicine and orthodoxy]. Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow Farmstead of Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. 2001. 129 p. 13. Weber, M. Protestantskaya etika i dukh kapitalizma [The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism] [Electronic resource] // Digital library of philosophy / A. Zlygostev. 2001-2017. URL: http://filosof.historic.ru /books/item/f00/s00/z0000297/st000.shtml (reference date: 23.01.2018) 14. Smith A. Issledovaniye o prirode i prichinakh bogatstva narodov [Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations] [Electronic resource] // RoyalLib.com: electronic library. 2010-2018. URL: https://royallib.com/ read/smit_adam/issledovanie_o_prirode_i_prichinah_bogatstva_narodov.html#0 (reference date: 23.01.2018) 15. Durkheim E. O razdelenii obshchestvennogo truda. Metod sotsiologii [On the division of social labor. The method of sociology [Electronic resource] // RoyalLib.com: electronic library. 2010-2018. URL: https://royallib.com/ read/dyurkgeym_emil/o_razdelenii_obshchestvennogo_truda.html#225280 (reference date: 23.01.2018) 16. Eticheskiy kodeks dlya NKO: luchshiye mirovyye praktiki [Code of ethics for NGOs: the best world practices]. Moscow: TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL-R, 2014. 42 p. 17. Kodeks professional'noy etiki advokata [Code of professional ethics for lawyer] (adopted by the First All-Russ. Congress of Lawers of 31.01.2003: Ed. from 04.20.2014) [Electronic resource] // Garant.ru: legal reference portal. Moscow, 2014- 2018. URL: http://base.garant.ru/12130519/ (reference date: 23.01.2018) 18. Eticheskiy kodeks meditsinskoy sestry Rossii [Code of Ethics of Russian medical sister] /compl.: A. Ya. Ivanyushkin, V. V. Samoylenko. SPb., 2010. 23 p.; ibid. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.medsestre.ru/files/file/ethics_ code_rna_icn.pdf (reference date: 23.01.2018) 19. Smirnova E. A. Professional'no-eticheskiye normy v sovremennoy rossiyskoy zhurnalistike [Professional and ethical standards in contemporary Russian journalism]: dis. … kand. filol. nauk [Cand. Thes. ... Cand. Philol. Sciences]. Moscow, 2015. 177 p. 20. Kodeks professional'noy etiki rossiyskogo zhurnalista [Code of professional ethics of the Russian journalist] [Electronic resource]//KodeksKonsortsium: electronic fund of legal and regulatory information. 2018. URL: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/901854413 (reference date 23.01.2018) 21. Kodeks etiki uchenykh i inzhenerov Rossiyskogo soyuza [The code of ethics for scientists and engineers of the Russian Union] (adopted by the third Congress of Russ. Union of RD, 19.02.2002.) [Electronic resource] // Russ. Union of scientific and engineering public associations: site. Moscow, 2016-2018. URL: http://www.rusea.info/ethics (reference date: 23.01.2018)